Pt 36 - On the run pt.2

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The pogues were sat in Kie's parked car outside of the ferry docks. Emma and John B lowered their seats, trying to stay out of view of the public, as Pope got out, going to check the times of the ferry. 

Emma watched as Pope pulled a piece of paper off of the notice board. He walked back over to the car, studying the flyer

"Okay. All right" He said as he approached the car, shaking his head as though he was trying to think. 

"Pope, can you act normal?" Kie said from the passenger's seat, watching as the boy rounded the car to the driver's side door. 

"So, um... okay, so, bad news" He started to say, gaining the attention of all the teens in the car, "The ferry's closed, and there is this" He informed, handing the flyer to Kie who scanned it quickly before handing it back to JJ, Emma and John B, with wide eyes.

"What is that? What is this?" John B and Emma said in unison, scared about what they were about to see. JJ grabbed the flyer and Emma sat up, looking over his shoulder to read it. There was a picture of John B with the words "WANTED $25,000 reward"

"Shit" Emma said, looking over to her brother 

"Well, John B, uh... this is a good framer of you" JJ said, showing the bot they poster. John B looked at it quickly before dropping his head back, staring at the roof of the car speechless.

"Okay, so the whole island's lookin' for John B right now" Pope said, sinking into his seat 

"That's a lot of money" Kie pointed out, a look of fear plastered on her face 

"Congratulations, John B. You're famous" JJ said, looking over to the boy. Emma dropped her head into her hands 

"Shit" She said again, running her hands over her face and through her knotty hair. JJ placed his hand on the girl back, rubbing small circles, trying to calm her. 

"Guys, we got to get to the HMS. We need small, no running lights..." Kie started to say in a panic 

"It's at the Château, Kie" Emma and John B said together, a look of defeat on both their faces 

"And I wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out. Let me think. Oh, yeah. No. They definitely have that place locked down" JJ said, scratching his neck as he pointed out the obvious 

"Yeah, copy that" Kie said, clearly annoyed as she looked away 

"Just let me think. Let me think. Just give me a second" Pope said. He gripped the steering wheel as he tried to think of a plan. Suddenly, he turned towards JJ. "JJ. Does your dad still have that boat? The cigarette boat, the Phantom. The one he used to race" He questioned. Emma lifted her face from her hands, looking at Pope as John B perked up, his eyes glancing between the two boys

"Maybe" The blonde replied, fiddling with his fingers on one hand 

"You could get right up the coast, no problem" Pope said, turning back around in his seat 

"Okay, look" Kie started to say 

"It won't be easy, Pope" JJ talked over her from the back 

"The surf's running from three to four" Kie mumbled to herself, trying to work something out in her head 

"I don't know where the keys are" JJ said, panic laced in his voice as he sat forwards 

"Well, find them"  Pope said, starting up the car in hurry

"Okay, I'm thinking" JJ yelled back, running his hands over his face 

"Why is nobody moving forward? What's going on here?" Pope yelled as they sat in traffic  

An Outer Banks story // JJ Maybank x OCWhere stories live. Discover now