Chap 2 (Tokugawa's perspective)

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"Let's get you cleaned up you can't just be looking like this all day." He coughed, dust was all over him his hat and he could barely see through the blanket of smoke. I brought him to a nearby bath for him to clean himself up. When day broke, I told Eiko about the plan since I have trusted him enough. "Eiko, are you with accompanying on a mission?" He nodded wholeheartedly. We walked down the deserted streets of the now empty market place I entered the military camp and started lighting the lanterns up, Eiko assisted with his lighter. I told him that now was the perfect time for our basic stealth training as it was night had already fell, I did my regular training routine, but less intense, as Eiko was still a beginner. I told him how to take down enemies stealthily and steadily, I tested it out on a straw dummy and let him try it. I instructed on his form and how he should approach. I threw some knives at the dummy, it stuck on  like glue. Eiko seemed to know how to do it, he was accurate and would hit the dummy most times, but I told him to aim for the vital spots, instead of just being able to wound them. Another drill that I taught him was archery, u explained that we needed to use bows and other quiet weapons to take them down. Eiko was struggling with the bow and with the wind speed. So I gave him a crossbow which he was able to hold more steady than the bow and was able to hit the dummy from further away. The last thing I told him in training, was that camouflage is amother thing that you need to take note. Normally the nature and vegetation around would provide excellent cover. I showed him an example, I told him to look away and quickly hid in some bushes. He couldn't find me and called up my name so I snuck behind and scared him. He was a bit startled but smiled as he knew I was just playing around. He tried it out himself, but with a bit of guidance he was almost perfectly hidden. By the time we stopped training, morning had come. I told Eiko that he could have some breakfast and have a walk down the market place. "Alright, fine I'm starving anyway." We had some venison which made us less hungry, so we waited till nightfall. Night came, I took a rowboat from camp, and brought it near the shore, I woke up Eiko from his nap, and we set off. I rowed the rowboat down the rapids and near where the enemy camp was. Once we got close enough I set my rowboat behind some bushes and shrubs and started sneaking towards the camp. When the soldiers patrolling changed shifts we knew we had to move we moved with a few close calls, we went into a nearby building, I decided that me and Eiko to go separate ways, to get more out of this sabotage mission. He nodded silently, not wanting to make noise. "You take left and I go right." I said whispering. "Good luck." We set off I went into the ammunition tent and stocked up on anything we could use, I went to the weapons issuing department where they had knives at weapons we could use. I didn't take any rifles only taking the bullets and the knives. We met up back at the building we congratulated, each other but then I heard the creaking of the door, I immediately took out one of my throwing knives and threw them at the soldier's throat. Eiko was amazed, I was flattered but I knew we shouldn't dawdle so I told him, "Let's save the celebration for late shall we?" We got back successful and relieved I wanted to relax because I did not feel like having another encounter end up like that. We sat by the hillside watching the sunrise. Eiko invited me to a round of fishing I was going to accept but then I realised that I didn't know how to fish. I told him this and he said, "You will learn on the fly it's alright." Assured, I followed him to the fishing spot we fished on the river bank, he told me that the first thing someone needs to fish is a fishing rod and bait. He dug up some soil and got a few earthworms from it, he demonstrated how we put the bait on the hook I was ha ing a bit of trouble but after a but of assistance I was able to hook the bait properly. He changed his stance, his legs a shoulder width apart I did those steps easy enough, he then swung the fishing line upwards then twirled it around then released the line. After a while, nothing happened, but I was patient, so was Eiko. I then felt a huge tug downwards, Eiko sensing this rushed over, grabbing my hands and telling me how to fight and reel in the fish. "In order to fight the fish and tire it out, we need to pull the opposite way of the where the fish is wimming to, and quickly reel it in as quickly as possible." He then let go when he knew that I could do it myself. The thing kept fighting, relentlessly, it was really strong and I had a hard time to reel it in, only after a while I was able to finally reel it up fully. Eiko was impressed on my first catch and how we can bring it home to toast the fish eat it. That day we set up camp outside, and roasted the fish over our campfire watching the stars as we relaxed and enjoyed ourselves. When morning came we went back to the village, we walked slowly saying compliments to one another, talking about yesterday's and the day before's events. We walked down the market place as usual, Eiko wanted some animal skins to repair the holes, in his uniform. We went down to the tanner where we bought the skins and i helped sew the skin into the hole of the uniform. However, in the middle of our relaxing, I was called to the military camp...

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