Chap 4 (Tokugawa perspective plan 2)

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We finished dancing then we immediately went into a secluded corner, "Alright I'm not following your plan, Eiko I'm gonna go with my own Eiko who surprisingly didn't start an argument over it. We made haste quickly climbing out of the window trying to see a way up to the balcony, we saw a maintenence ladderon the side of a window so we quickly went one story up and quickly opened the window and placed it close enough so we could jump up to the balcony I told Eiko to hold the ladder as I quickly jumped and grabbed on to one of the railing silently. I climbed over then struck him in the back of his head with a throwing knife, I retrieved the throwing knife and quickly threw him off the balcony I climbed back down the ladder and said that the mission was successful. I thought we had some time left, so I told him we can dance a bit more, we continued till the host gave his closing speech and called for the official to come out that was our cue to leave quickly we went through the window we came in through. We walked down the street as there was no rush in getting back to the village we just walked down the streets and just slept  in the city. The next day we woke up and saw a newspaper scraping across the ground, the headline read official dead due to suicide. We picked it up, when they examined it the wound was unusual, but they still classified it as suicide. We got on a train buying a ticket, contented that our plan worked and we rewarded ourselves by resting in our private quarters the next day we just took our breakfast, Eiko looked  starved so he definitely enjoyed the meal, I walked around the carriages I walked around the carriages, watching the trees and rocks go by, I poked my hands out touching the water a cold splash of water fell onto my hands. After walking around the carriage for a while, I decided to get back to Eiko, I walked downed the train carriages, I then felt a bit lost. I quickly reaclled my steps and found myself back, I rested for a while as I knew this trip was going to take quite a while. I looked out the window it was pitch black, I didn't see Eiko around, so I left the cabin, I eventually found him at the bar, he had already emptied two bottles of rice wine, so I told him that it was almost midnight and that we should sleep. He stood up looking dazed, I followed him back to make sure he made it back to our private quarters. Eiko being as drunk as he was, fell as the train hit a small bump in the tracks. I quickly caught him it resulted in a pretty awkward situation, it was a close call, I caught him by the body as he stared up into my eyes blushing a deep red. I quickly blushed myself but quickly, brought him in before things devolved, into a mess. I brought him into the private quarters and slept in wasn't the most comfortable, if anything I would've slept on the floor. I woke up the sun hasn't rose so I changed back into my armour and called Eiko up, definitely still feeling the effects of being hungover, I brought him some water to help with it. We made if off the train at the next stop, and we quickly made our way towards the river where we washed up our faces to keep us alert and awake. We went down the market place, and Eiko brought a really nice necklace for me, I felt touched, I asked him how much it was, "It was not that much, it was on sale for the time." I quickly went down to the military tent to report our success. My superior asked to bring Eiko in confused I called Eiko who came in immediately. I was immediately called to go outside, instead of Eiko waiting for me I was waiting for him. After he came out he looked a bit solemn, I asked why he was like this. "I won't be able to see you on our daily routine, now that I am finally and formally accepted to be an assassin, I have to live in their quarters and I wouldn't be able to meet you when you are on the way from your house." I then did something stupid, I told Eiko that I would stay with him so our routine wouldn't be interrupted he was shocked, but kept his calm, "Why you do that? Did you think something more of me?" He teased, I pushed him away in reply. We then did a bit more rounds around the village. I then thought of bringing Eiko to my father, he didn't like the idea but still followed me nonetheless. I introduced him he gave me a look, I quickly shook my head and denied it. He then spoke up, "So, you are my daughter's friend?" My father looked at him closely, "You're a good friend my daughter tells me. Are using her for anything or just great friends." He looked at him suspiciously. "But even if you have other intentions, I'm alright, my daughter can defend herself. You can stay as her friend, I don't want to see anything happen to her understand?" Eiko looked as if he wanted to leave I quickly ushered him out. "So is he really your friend?" I nodded. "He seems alright, are you sure he's no using his friendship to get close enough to you?" I thought through this and quickly realised what my father meant. "No that's not what is happening here I promise!!" My father laughed knowing that I knew how to choose and pick friend s and that he was fooling around with me I also told him that I would be going with Eiko. "So it is what I'm thinking huh?" "Stop it he's my best friend, I just want to accompany him." "Alright go with your friend you ought to be independent and get good friends, ok?" I nodded and took my leave.

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