Chap 5 (Tokugawa's perspective)

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I brought Eiko around and we relaxed as there was no ongoing missions for the either of us, when we did get one I disagreed with my superior, "Isn't it better to just stay and raid the places around us and don't we already have enough funding?" "But, we need some more money for our next raid. Should be easg enough for you two it should be a quick one." I didn't really like the plan, but I quickly brought Eiko to our private quarters, Eiko asked, "So what now?" " Well we will take a ship, off to Vladivostok, we will need our disguises from last time. Afterwards we quickly get to the bank, where we will cause a diversion, with the electricity. We will climb in though a maintenence entrance. Then we'll pick the lock as the guards are distracted." "So we set off now?" He asked, "Let's wait till morning for the train to arrive." We put on our disguises and set off for the train, we got to the nearby port where we were going to set off for Vladivostok, we got onto the ship, one of inspection officers saw our armour and uniform but we quickly bribed him and he turned a blind eye to us and let us through. The ship was massive having around 8 floors and around 92 meters long, it was bigger than any other ship I had seen, we quickly got all of our items down to our rooms, we were exhausted and starving so we quickly went up to the top floor where they served food, we bought our food as lines started to form in front of the food stalls luckily we were one of the first few to get the food, as we are able  we quickly went back down to sleep as we were trying to sleep, we heard a large commotion outside of our cabin we walked out trying to see what it was we then saw a huge casino in front of us, I didn't know any of the things that was in there only knowing that it was a very large hall with large masses of people crowing the tables and the machines, Eiko asked whether we could play I reluctantly agreed as I was quite bored and the noise for too loud for any of us to sleep. I trusted Eiko in betting for most of the games as I had no idea how to play any of them we did earn a bit of money but Eiko got a bit too cocky and thought to play against the people on the poker tables, they were far better than the both of us so we just gave up trying to play it. We just went back in our cabin to sleep when noise died down a bit. The next day we arrived at Vladivostok at long last we got off of the ship and quickly made our way to the location and got into position, we waited till it was nighttime and quickly turned off the lights, this caused the people in the bank to come out and investigate we quickly sneaked in through the door in the back. The door was locked but I knew how to pick them, it was the vault door that had me stumped, Eiko said he knew joy to do this door so I waited in anticipation I knew that the lights were going to turn on any second so I just clinched and hoped for the best, the door finally unlocked, we stuffed as much money as possible and quickly closed it back so no one would suspect the money being stolen we quickly, ran out and the lights turned on we turned to leave quickly the next day a second boat arrived no wanting to make the same mistakes we properly hid our items so the inspection officers wouldn't find them, we got on the ship instead of going directly to our cabin we stayed at the top deck as we watched the sun rise right before our very eyes while we were on the ship, it was a terrific sight I then told Eiko that we just stay on the deck because that stuffy cabin was a bit too small for the both of us, when we arrived back on the shore I decided to stick around at the port there were many merchants there some sold some guns that I was interested in as it would help in my hunting activities, Eiko didn't know I knew how to use a gun as he never saw me actually going hunting. We got on the train with my new pistol as I thought it was easier to carry than my rifle I also bought one for Eiko he seemed thankful, but I warned him it's only for hunting. We finally got back to the village, we instead diverted from  our regular route to go and talk to my superiors, they thanked us for our service then gave us a cut of the money, we walked down the market place hoping to spend the money that we just got into something, we didn't really find much so we just walked on the outer wall of the village, this instance I saw a rabbit I crouched down and used my bow to quickly hit it in the back of it's head, I then skinned the rabbit so I could sell it for money, Eiko was amazed at this feat, I didn't really think much of it and asked Eiko whether he wanted to go hunting, though Eiko did train with rifles his experience didn't match mine as I hit most of my shots, when Eiko couldn't hit the deer I quickly shot it while it was fleeing we enjoyed our lunch and joked and laughed for the rest of the day.

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