Chap 4 (Tokugawa's perspective plan 1)

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I took up Eiko's hand and started slowly dancing with him, he did some twirls and showed off a bit of his skill, by quickly adjusting me to the side and carrying me across his head towards the other side. After I saw that the time was right I told Eiko to follow me to a secluded corner. I decided to take up his plan and I told him all about how the guards moved around and changed their positioning every 15 minutes we quickly made our way to the staff's quarters where the staff uniform was sure to be found. We quickly went into our own separate changing rooms and I quickly tore off that dress as it was suffocating me from when I first put it on. We then went through a door which led us to the back of some guards that were changing their position, we tailed them and quickly over took them by taking a shortcut then quickly ducking towards a nearby store room, after the guards went past we opened the door and started tailing them again, that was when we were seen by a manager, he told us to immediately give him our identification, I signalled to Eiko, that when the manager was distracted that he would take him out, I quickly pretended to check my pockets as Eiko silently subdued him. We hid him inside the store room as we continued tailing the guards till they stopped at two large doors. I improvised and told Eiko that I would distract one of the guards while he subdued the other.  He nodded as I went around to the other side I found a coin laying down on the floor I threw it down in hopes of it attracting their attention. The plan worked as one of the guards approache'd me as the other kept watch but was quickly subdued by Eiko which was followed up by me also subduing the other guard. We walked into the room and quickly saw the target the target didn't expect for us to be his killers so he invited us over towarda the balcony where we pushed him offor immediately ending his life as he ragdolled toward the ground.  We quickly made our way out dodging past the bodies and quickly changing back tour formal wear to blend back into the crowd. We made our way out the same way we made ourselves get in, through the window. We immediately went to the ticket station to get a train ticket to immediately get out of the scene. We scrambled our way up to the train and once the train left we knew that the operation was a success, we rewarded each it her by going into our private quarters and started sleeping. The next morning I was starving so I met Eiko near wear they were serving food and I ordered some myself the food was appatising and I started walking up and down the carriages trying to get a reference for where we were and to waste some time,  when night fell Eiko told me that he wanted me to participate with him in a challenge the challenge was that if one of us drank less shots than the other then they would have to do a forfeit I said that I accepted his challenge, we bought two bottle of rice wine and started taking some shots of rice wine. Eiko was doing well until at around the fifth shot, "What's that? Ready to give up? Can't take any more?" To my surprise Eiko continued drinking by the 10th shot Eiko was waste but I was able to drink 13 more shots before dropping myself, we agreed that neither of us won as we both kind of dropped at the end.. I tried holding my bakance but realized that I could barely even stand I nearly dropped to the floor but luckily Eiko held me up, when I looked up to face him our faces were so close to knew another I had a temptation to just go for it (they're close friends ok? But not that close), Eiko also looked like he wanted to do it but controlled himself and brought him back to our room to sleep, I laid on the bed flustered at myself thinking why I wasn't able to control it, I couldn't sleep as I assured myself that I shouldn't be fraternising with Eiko. The next day not forgetting the events of last night I poked Eiko who was in the same bed with me and was still sleeping I took this opportunity and quickly changed back into my armour, I quickly tugged him on his arm he felt the tug this time so he quickly pointed for me to go outside as he changed inside. I took my breakfast Eiko gave me a mug of water and asked for me to sober up before we return to the village, I went to the nearby river with Eiko to wash our faces and to get ready and alert for the day. We walked down the market place, this was basically my routine with Eiko now, he said that he didn't want anything today so we immediately went back to the military camp, where I reported back to my superior about the mission. He was not happy with the result I ended up with. "Chiharu your performance lately has been dropping lately I feel that soldiers isn't doing you good." "But he is really helpful, I swear!" Fine but next time don't report back with such bad results." "I.. yes, s..sir." and with that I was dismissed for now. Eiko said that it wasn't my fault and that it was his for opposing my plan with one of his own. "Don't feel down because of him, it's because of me." I didn't feel like talking to anyone at that point, as tears rolled out of my eyes. Due to he constant comforting from Eiko and how he was able to understand me and my current situation, he accompanied me back to my home where I just went laid down on my bed and felt unhappy for most of the day.

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