Chapter 5 (Japan's perspective)

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So Chiharu brought me around, and usual we basically relaxed till we had another mission. When we finally did get a mission we were confused. Chiharu asked, "I thought we only had missions based in Japan, but you want us to go to Vladivostok?" We need you to get into China and get some of their treasury. "Aren't we good on funding?" "Well yes, but we need some money, and there is a bank in Vladivostok, should be easy enough for you two." Chiharu didn't seem to like the plan as we would be in different territory and will be far from home where it would be hard to predict. We quickly nodded our heads and took our leave, Chiharu then quickly pulled me into our private quarters. "So what do you suggest?" I asked Chiharu, "So we take a ship, off to Vladivostok, we need our disguises from last time. Afterwards we quickly get to the bank, where we will cause a diversion, with the electricity. We will climb in though a maintenence entrance. Then we'll pick the lock as the guards are distracted." So we took the train again to the nearby port where they were ferrying civilians. We quickly got on to the train, we looked on the map and saw for anything that could mark out when we would stop. After riding for about 7 hours we finally saw the port we quickly got off and got on a ferry. Unfortunately one of the guards checked for our luggage, and found our armour which was sitting inside we quickly took out some money to bribe him, he turned a blind eye to us and let us on. It was very luxurious it had multiple levels, the top having some facilities, and the desks below harbouring passengers. We moved our things into the lowest level as we didn't pay much for the tickets, after hauling our items we went up to the highest floor where they served food and beverages. We quickly blended in with the crowd long lines formed as dinner approached, we were lucky to queue before most people came, we paid for our food, then we quickly went back down. We heard a commotion of many people from the wall across our room, we walked out to see a massive casino spanning out from before our eyes, I suggested to Chiharu that we spend some time to do some gambling she seemed reluctant, "Alright it's not like we'll be sleeping with all this noise anyway." We went the slot machines, we weren't very experienced so we placed very low gambles. We managed to earn a bit of money until we thought of going to the poker tables which had a bit of competition instead of just playing with a machine. We played along with poker trying not to go too far put of our reach apparently we accidently called the wrong thing and the people around started snickering, so we just left as we were not able to win anyways. We finished the day by drinking a bit Chiharu advised not to drink too much after last time, this time we controlled ourselves and didn't get the same situation as before, though we were a bit tipsy, we slept soundly that night even though there was a large commotion next door the next day we saw land I woke up Chiharu and we both looked out the window. "Should be it then let's prepare." We went up to the main deck where they were preparing to let down the bridge for us to walk out onto the port we walked down and quickly made our way into the bank. It was quite far around 31 km from the port where we alighted from the ship. By the time we were there evening was starting to set in we quickly found a switch which would turn off most of the lights and conceal us in almost complete darkness. We quickly snuck in by one of the staff doors in the back in was locked but Chiharu was able to pick it quickly. We finally found the vault where it was locked up by a turn code, I knew how to pick these locks I put my ear against the door of the vault and started turning it clockwise, once I heard a click I turned it counterclockwise, time was running out I could hear people outside trying to restore the lights of the street. I heard the second click so I tried to quickly turn it once I heard the final click i quickly turned the know and we stuffed as much money as we could into our bags, after collecting as much as we could we closed it back up to leave no trace of us having stolen anything we were out of the building, the lights turned on and that was our cue to leave, we had to wait till tomorrow for another ship to arrive and to get back to the village, we brought back success and the money back onto the decks of the ship, this time we were able to conceal most of our luggage from the inspection so we went through with pretty much no problems. While we were standing on the deck we watched as the sun rose up from the sea, it was beautiful as it marked a new day and the orange glare of the sun made the scene look better, once we got off the ship we took the train back as it was the quickest way back, we quickly changed back from our disguises and put back on our armour and uniform, we first went back to the military camp to report our success diverting away from our usual routine, we then walked down the market place nothing really happened we then took the rest of day off just walking around seeing anything of interest, we walked around the outer walls of the city, Chiharu saw a rabbit and quickly took out her bow to shoot it. I was surprised she had done hunting but at this point I thought she could do anything.

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