Chap 4 (Japan's perspective plan 2)

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After our dance we went into a secluded corner Chiharu said that we should go with her plan as it allows us to go around the guards and just take him out when nobody is listening. We saw a maintenence ladder on the floor above us so we quickly went up to the second floor and got to the window that had the ladder. We quickly gripped on the edge of the window as one of us climbed the ladder as the other, held on to the ladder preventing it from moving. Chiharu was going to do the job as our target had his back turned Chiharu quickly took out one of her throwing knives and hit in the back  of the head pretty much killing him she retrieved her throwing knife and quickly threw the body to the garbage disposal below seeing as our target was neutralised without any causalites we called it a success, and we decided to party until it was over, we continuing dancing until the host gave his closing speech, he invited the official out when he didn't come out we quickly snuck back out as we knew that was our cue to leave we hung around as there was a reason not to leave yet. The next day we saw newspaper fly by saying that our target was marked dead and that it was a suicide attempt, they said his injuries were unusual, but they still considered it suicide. We high fived one another then we quickly set down to the train station where we quickly got a ticket, the next day we chatted, i said, "Excellent work Chiharu, how did you  predict that no one was outside." "Well Eiko yesterday they had road closed because they didn't want their guests cars be blocked up others so they close the road that night that's why we were able to get in by the window and not get spotted." Hearing this revelation, I was impressed with how she had good awareness of her surroundings. The next day it was the same we decided to have some food because at the gala they didn't serve much of anything. We had our breakfast, it was better than the rations that I had when I was still in the army so I quickly slurped the breakfast down. Chiharu said that she needed a rest after all the dancing that we did, so I was at the bar alone, I drank a bit too much, I was intoxicated, at that moment Chiharu was already awake so she caught me we were caught in an awkward situation (huh, deja vu), she blushed while I couldn't feel my face or any of my limbs, next thing I knew we were in our private quarters, we shared the same bed, but it was better than sleeping out on a bench by the road. Chiharu was already up before the sun rose she said that we could chat a bit more before going back to the village. I asked about the events of last night and whether she was alright I then asked about her facial expression when she caught me I asked if anything was wrong with me. She confidently said no, but she quickly looked away as if she was thinking of something else." She quickly tapped her fingers on the bed, and asked whether she was able to change the subject. I wasn't comfortable about asking this question either so I also knew why she would feel this way, I quickly changed it to something more lighthearted and we chatted on as it nothing had happened. By our next train stop, we got off and immediately headed towards the fresh water river where we washed our faces ready to start the day. We walked back to town did our usual routine by walking down the market place seeing and browsing any goods we wanted, we kept walking, I saw a nice necklace made we jade pieces that I bought for quite cheap. She was happy with this gift and thanked me for being so kind and generous I said it's just a friendship gift it's not much. We went to military camp where Chiharu would meet her superiors but this time they called me in too. They said that we have been doing an excellent job and that they would like me as a junior assistant assassin, I would be a partner for we thought that we were better off either way so we agreed, I then got into my new sleeping quarters it was better than sleeping out on the street. The only issue was that I wouldn't be able to meet Chiharu and go for our daily walk down the market place, Chiharu then did something that made me feel touched, she said that she also wanted to sleep in the same quarters as we were partners, I didn't think that Chiharu was that into the whole partner thing, but I didn't expect her to give up her cozy home in order just to be with me. I felt like wanting to be more than friends with Chiharu, but I quickly suppressed the thought as it was outrageous if I were to think that. I wanted remain in good terms with Chiharu, but not too much. We went down, to the military camp, they didn't have much to tell us and just dismissed us. We walked down the road, this time telling me to come into her house to meet her father. Her father, approved of me and said that I was a good friend for Chiharu. After that little encounter we just continued on our way and helped ourself to a bit of food as we walked down I incited her for a fishing trip, we caught multiple fish, although not as large we were able to catch a large variety as we were more experienced. We then enjoyed our seafood dinner by sitting by the riverbank watching the fish jump up out of the water and dive back in.

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