chapter 6

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It's been over 6 months since all this shit happened. I had come to America to be with my daughter Harriet and my grandson. I know she has her brothers with her, but I just worry about them. As the world went to shit, there was only one place I knew of that would be safe: The West Georgia Correctional Facility. When I got there, the prison had not looked that great. There had been a big hole in one of the walls.

The first thing that I did was rebuild the place. I erected strong black wards around the entire perimeter and got rid of Inferi inside. When I was younger, I had read much of my father's library and learned a lot. I wasn't sure if this had anything to do with dark wizards; I knew this: 'An Inferius (pl. Inferi) was a dead body, reanimated by a dark wizard's curse. They were similar. But intrinsically distinct from a zombie. Inferi were created through the magical branch of dark arts called Necromancy, the Art of Raising the Dead.

So as of right now, I think this whole mess was created by a dark wizard who had a tantrum.
First, I got rid of the Inferi outside of the prison and then inside. Then I checked if there were any survivors. Turned out the only ones left were a few prisoners named Axel, Oscar, Andrew, Tomas, and Big Tiny.

I really don't like any of them except Big Tiny.
Tomas really thought that he was the Top Dog. Well, think again!
It didn't take me long to get rid of them well, except Big Tiny, who stayed with me till the rest of the group arrived.

After a while, Arthur, Bill, Charlie and Lucius and Draco finally arrived. They reassured me that Snape and Minnie would be coming soon.
I bet you are thinking: Why are the Malfoys here? They are bad. Well, sorry, but they're good and are on Harriet's side.

We all made sure to bring enough food that would last at least 50 years or so, and with the help of magic, it would stay fresh.
Soon, more family and friends would join us.
Only a selected view knew where I was. Luckily, most people like Dumblefuck and Molly and the two youngest Weasleys did not know where I was. And they should be glad that they were not here because I certainly would kill them if they were.

I was looking through the kitchens when the wards went off. "Tiny, keep everyone together," was all I said as I went out to see what or who was trying to get past the wards.

It was Snape and Minnie, and I was so glad that they were finally here with us.
"Snape, Minnie, so glad that you have made it to us. Minnie, what is wrong. Why do you look so angry?" I asked her after greetings were over.

"Albus and Ronald are going to try and get Harriet back. Ronald is to marry her and get her pregnant. After the birth of the baby, kill her. I know Harriet already knows what they are up to but to hear it from their mouths was something else..." Minnie tells me.

We carried on talking more while I showed them around. Snape was happy that both Lucius and his godson Draco had made it.
The last thing I showed them was where they would be sleeping. Then I told Snape and Minerva to get some shut-eye after this long journey.

"Hey mate, are you ok there?" Tiny asked me after I joined him again. I looked over to him and gave a small smile.
"Yeah. Ok, thanks for asking. I just wish that Harriet would hurry up and get here. Plus, I feel like Dumbledore will try and keep looking for us, and when he does find us, I will kill him," I told him with a bitter tone.


We could hear the metal cracking from the explosion. I was glad that we got out after the destruction of the CDC in time. Now we are on the motorway, and we had no choice but to stop as Dale was having problems with his own RV.

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