Chapter 14).

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Sorry I have taken so long long to get this out to you all. I have been having Wi-Fi problems. This chapter ain't my best.


Gotcha potter. "Ok listen they are on a farm The Greene Family Farm. So let get this over with." I told them.



Dad has trained both uncles and they are now full trained. Even snape help even McGonagle did to. All is with magic has been training very hard. I even told those with out magic would stay in the house with Rick and my boys.

"Dad, that feeling it's stronger." I told him. Before dad could say anything snape bet him to it. "Potter it means that what we we're hopping wouldn't it's Albus he is come and soon." Snape tells me.

"Ok let's get everyone in the house just in case." I said to them all. I turned to Rick and the boys and told them that I love them and I would see them soon.

"Harriet potter, he is hear sir bumbledore is hear." Dobby says to me. " dobby take missy and stay with Rick and the kids." I said to dobby.

"We will win this pup we will." Dad tells me while wrapping his arms around me. "We will do this all together." Uncle Merle says to us all.

Stand together and all I can see is dumbledore.
"Well potter it is time to die." Dumbledore says. "It that all you sound like Tom riddle." Was all I said.

Spells are flying all around and as dad was fighting madeye moody a walkers comes from his side and take a bit out of madeye. We could all hear his screams and I watch as dumbledore kills him.

"Potter I have something for you. Come on show them." Dumbledore says. Coming from in the trees was no can't be it's Remus. But they fucking Lied to me if I ever see Ronald or that bitch Ginny I will kill them both. "You are a Bastard you don't care who you hurt. I will make you pay for what you have done." I said angrily to dumbledork. "Is that so potter well let's do that shall we." Dumbledork simply says while smirking at me.

"Potter lets do this and I won't kill you new family. Well no matter Ronald may still want you." Dumbledore try's to piss me of. "You will never touch my family I will kill you before you even get close." I snap to dumbledore.

All I new was that I wanted dumbledore fucking dead.

Dad and snape is holding me back and all I can do is scream telling them to let me go. "One more thing potter I killed James potter and it was a pleasure. Oh and lily wasn't your mother it was james who gave birth to you your father is right beside you." Dumbledork says while seeming pleased with him self.

James is my mum and Sirius really is my dad. "WHY? YOU HAD TO LIE ABOUT IT YOU ARE WOSE THAN TOM RIDDLE HIM SELF." I screamed at him. "I made Sirius forget that he was James soulmate. Lily was on my side but I killed her so it looked good." I told me.

This ends right now. "Alohomora." I screamed out. "Imperio." Dumbledore tried but I dodged it. "Sectumempia." It hit dumble, in his chest. "Abada kedavda." He shots at me and I moved out of the way.

"You won't win this bumbles you are already losing." I Taunted him. "Is that so well remus why don't you show them some manners." Was all he said to Remus. I could tell that Remus was fighting with him self.

"I can't hold it I'm sorry." Remus say. "Petriticus totalus." I shout out and it hit Remus it was like he let me. Dumbledore didn't like that. I could see a walker behind dumble but it seems that he hasn't. But it is just to late as the walker bite's in to dumbledore. He gave out a scream.

"Well dumbles it is time to die." Was all I said to him. "No I will win more will come my own kids will come. Your soon to be husband will come for you." He tells me. I just laugh at him. "Well let them come and as for Ronald well that just to bad as I'm already married with two kids." I Smirked at him. "You are to marry Ronald no one else." Dumble says. "Well I'm definitely married got my soulmate you can't break a soul pair." I said I new that he new I was right and he changed at me and I just grabbed my Sword and chopped his head of.

It was over for now we had done it. "Pup, are you ok." Dad says to me. "Daddy your my real daddy." I found my self in his arms Bawling my eyes out. "That I am pup I'm remember it all. I sorry pup James really did love you. You were his whole world." Dad tells me I was so Harry that he is at lest remembering.

My uncle's were ok and made sure that I was ok but I needed to see Rick and the kids. Like they read my mind the door opens and Carl comes running out of the door. "Mummy."and jumps in my arms and wraps his arms around me. "I'm ok pup." I softly said in his ear. "Mama." I turned to see teddy in ricks arms "mama." I pull his in to my arms and pulling Carl back in to my arms. "I love you boys." I said to them both. "It's ok Rick we're ok." He wrap's his arms around us all.

"Daddy gabe me ockie mama." Teddy says to me. I look to Rick and he just smiles at me I just could help but smile back. "No more ok you gotta have your food ok." I told them the rest of the group came out and made sure that we we're all ok.

"Papy, me had ockie." Teddy tell his granpapa. "Well pup, we're is mine?" Dad says to teddy. "Daddy has hem in ar." Teddy try's to say to his Papy. What ever all just laughed.

Looking over and I see Remus looking and I know that he wants teddy but he is my son. I give teddy to dad and walk over to Remus.

Looking at him and it made my heart hurt. "Remus, I..." he stops me and speaks. " Harriet I know that I can't take teddy from you that would hurt teddy. I just want to be in his life would you be ok with that I would be an uncle. I know that more than any think I want to be his dad, I won't take that from him as you and Rick is his parent's." Remus tells me with a sadness to his voice.

Remus hugs me and tells that he will get used to it. I turn to dad and new that there was no way we could stay at the farm any longer. Dad agreed with me and told everyone that he would take us to the place that he lives.

So to sum it up dumbledork is gone and we need to keep an eye out for more of dumbledork ducks as dad calls them and we will be ready for them.

Well the fight is over and and life is sort of back on track. Now all they need is to keep an eye out for more danger.

What do you think about Sirius bring Harriet's real dad and James being the mother?

Dumbledore always made sure that Harriet had no life by taking Sirius memories away from him. At lest Harriet learns the truth about her family.

Next chapter is almost done so you won't have to wait to long.

Thank you, my darling's...


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