first day on the job

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a/n hey guys! it's been a while. i have no excuse for not writing, i've just been busy and unmotivated. i can't make any promises on how often updates will be so i'm sorry. but enjoy this chapter!
peters pov

it's starts with an uncomfortable silence. sir night eye looks confused and kind of out of it. i don't know how to explain what just happened to him.

sir night eye breaks the silence by saying, "do you know the reason why i was interested in you peter?"

"n-no sir" i answer

"your quirk is similar to mine in a way. you're able to sense that danger is coming without even seeing it."

"o-oh yeah that's my um my spider sense. i get like a tingle on the back of my neck and the hair on my arms start to rise.." describing this reminds me of the bus. when i was on a field trip to MoMA. when i got that tingle and saw that stupid donut ship in the sky. that was the last time i was on my earth.

i didn't realize but sir night eye had been talking.

"my quirk allows me to see the future of whoever i touch and make eye contact with. the future i saw was not the future that just happened. do you want to explain why?" sir night eye says.
he makes that question feel more like a demand.

but peter has to wonder. could sir night eye look into his future and see if he ever makes it back home?

"peter?" sir night eye says breaking peter away from his thoughts.

"oh sorry. when i arrived it japan a couple weeks ago i was hit with a quirk and ever since then i've been glitching. i can't control it but something weird happened that time. it was like time had slowed. you guys were moving slowly but i was able to move normally."

there's a silence and sir night eye looks like he's in deep thought.

it's awkward.

suddenly he stands up and walks to the door. before he leaves he says, "your work study starts tomorrow. inform midoryia." then he leaves.

i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

~time skip to later that day~

i arrive at the dorms, find my room, and immediately flop onto my bed. i look around the room and think of what decorations i could use. maybe karen could find and print some posters for me...

i scroll through my phone looking for some pictures karen could print when i land on a photo of me and mr. stark. i stare at it for a moment.

"karen can you print this for me?"

~the next day~

midoryia and i meet up at the train station to go to our internship.

"you ready for today peter?" midoryia asks excitedly

i yawn and answer. "yep!"

he looks at me curiously and asks, "where's your suit case?"

confused i say, "for what..?"

"your suit"

"oh! my suit is nanotech so it's right here!" i show him my wrist

we board the train and the entire ride is me rambling about nano tech and midoryia taking notes on it. it's nice to have somebody to listen to what i say.

a spider in the wrong universe Where stories live. Discover now