after the snap

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peters pov:
"mr. stark? w-where are you? mr stark?"

i remember what had just happened and i hug myself. i remember how it felt when i turned to dust. it hurt. it hurt so bad. i think it hurt so much because of my fast healing. i think my healing was trying to fix my body but it couldn't.

i remember mr. stark holding me. he's going to blame himself for this. he's going to think he's the reason i died.

"no no no. mr. stark where are you?!" i cried.

i have to find him. i got up and start walking around. i realize i'm not on titan anymore. i'm in an alleyway. maybe dr. strange opened a portal and brought me here? that's a possibility. i look around but i don't see dr. strange.

i walk onto the street and i see a bunch of weird people. i'm not judging them! but they're... unusual. i see a blonde guy with big red wings.

"ちょっと子供はあなたを失っていますか?" the man asked me.

i didn't know what language he was speaking so i said,

"what? i'm sorry i speak english."

he switches to english.

"are you lost kid?" the man asked again.

mr. stark calls me kid.
i must've zoned out because he snapped in my face.

s n a p

a shiver goes down my spine and i feel as if i'm being suffocated. but i calm myself down because i don't want to worry this strange man.

"u-um yes i am lost. w-where am i?" i asked him.

"you're in tokyo" he told me.

tokyo? how'd i get to tokyo? tokyo is in japan. but last time i checked there wasn't any bird people in japan.

"o-oh uh i don't remember coming to tokyo." i said as i rubbed the back of my neck.

"where's the last place you remember being?" he questioned me.

"the last place i remember being is with mr. stark on titan" i mumbled.

"titan? wheres titan?"

just as i was about to answer him i got a tingle on the back of my neck. my spidey sense. a building was collapsing. quickly i pushed bird man out of the way and webbed two civilians towards me and out of the way of the falling building.


i cut bird man off my saying,

"get the civilians away. and bring them somewhere safe!"

i bring my mask back up and ask karen if there's any people left in the building. she tells me there are 10 people left in the building on the top floors and 2 people on the building next to this one. she thinks they caused the building to collapse.

i find 3 people and bring them out of the building safely. bird man was making sure everyone else was okay.

i climb up to the next floor and find 5 more people. i help them get out as well.

then i start to look for the other two people. karen says they are two floors above me.

"peter one of the two men on the other building came back inside this building" karen tells me.

"okay. is he near the two people upstairs?" i ask when climbing up the wall.

"he is going towards them."

"shit" i mumble underneath my breath.

i finally get up to the next floor and i see two scared women both under some rubble.

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