the league of villains

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third person pov:
"unimaginable power? that would come in handy." says shigaraki

"how are we going to go about this?" dabi asks already knowing where this is going

"we're going to need to kidnap that little spider freak and find out how to get these stones from him." shigaraki decides. he stands up and starts preparing his gear.

"do you think he's really serious about being from another universe?" mr. compress adds

"that doesn't matter right now. all that matters is us getting those stones. we are going to crush this little spider."

peter pov:
it's been a few days since i've told bakugou my secret. i haven't been able to tell hawks or aizawa like i promised, things got busy. eri is still in the hospital recovering and she's doing well! but we haven't been allowed to visit yet because she's still emotionally unstable.

everybody has been trying to go back to normal. right now, i'm sitting in math class but i'm not paying much attention. i usually don't need to pay much attention, the equations i do with mr. stark are much harder.

just the thought of mr. stark makes me frown. it's been a couple months since i've last seen him.
i miss him.

"parker! are you paying any attention?" mr. ectoplasm asks

i can feel everyone's eyes on me.

"um yes sir."

"what's the answer then parker?"
if flash were here he would most likely taunt me. he's the one person i haven't missed since being here.

"107/28" i answer calmly

"hm seems like you were paying attention. onto the next problem." mr. ectoplasm continues on math.

i go back to thinking about mr. stark. does he know where i am? or does he think i just dusted like everybody else? where is everybody else? did aunt may dust? or ned or mj? do they miss me?


the thoughts are racing through my head and it's hard to calm down.

is new york okay without me? does new york miss spider-man? how exactly am i going to get home?


why is dr. strange depending on me? who am i supposed to recruit? how am i supposed to control the infinity stones?


my spider senses go off and within a second i stand up and grab the hand that's coming toward me.

"what the hell nerd? you need to calm down."

i recognize that voice. that's bakugou.

i take a deep breath and look up. the class is empty except for bakugou, midoryia, and me. i guess i zoned out for the rest of the class. i let go of bakugous hand and focus on my breathing.

"s-sorry sorry. i got um a little distracted and my senses were y'know.." i say breathless

"are you okay peter? do you need me to get a teacher?" midoryia offers

"no i'm-i'm good."

bakugou gives me a look before saying "alright let's get the hell out of here nerds. it's lunch time."

he starts to walk out of the room and midoryia and i follow.

lunch flies by quickly. i ate with bakugou today and i could feel the worried looks midoryia was giving me from across the cafeteria.

before i know it, it's training time. everybody changes into their suits and we meet in the training area.

mr. cementos gives us our instructions, "today we'll continue working on your ultimate moves. if you haven't found a second ability, focus on finding one. if you already have two, then work on refining them until they're flawless."

the class splits up and begins training.
bakugou comes up to me and asks,
"so, you made any progress yet?"

"no not really. but i'll be working on it today" i respond knowing he's talking about the infinity stones' power.

bakugou nods and continues walking toward kirishima to begin training.

i find a kind of secluded area and begin my training. to be honest, i'm not sure how to train with something like this. with my spider powers, it was never really something ive had to control. i've only had to control my stickiness and my strength and that took a long time to get used to. i have no idea where to even begin on training with something like the infinity stones, i barley know anything about them.

i decide to close my eyes and focus on just the time stone. i feel like that's a good place to start. i think about doctor strange and everything else i know about the stone (which isn't a lot). i take a deep breath and focus on slowing time around me. i try and will it to happen.

i peek my eyes open a little bit but nothing has changed. i don't see any glowing of green.

i keep trying anyways. i try for about 30 minutes but don't make any progress. i start to get angry, the stones make me more emotional for some reason. i'm very easy to anger now.
why isn't this working? why am i not strong enough? how am i ever going to be able to defeat thanos when i can't control any of the stones??

in an act of anger, i punch a wall of cement and chunks of rock fly off. i turn around and start pacing.

why am i not good enough? why can't i do this??

"ugh!" i throw my hands down and suddenly there's a glow of green. i turn around and i see that the wall has repaired itself. was that cementos... or was that me?

i destroy another piece of rock and back away from it. i take a deep breath and point my hands toward the rock. this time, i focus all the emotions i'm feeling and i use that as a source of energy. i suddenly feel the power surge through me, but it's gone as quickly as it came. while that happens, the pieces of rock glow green and slowly piece itself back together.

i did it.
i just reversed time!!
i did it!!

i run off looking for bakugou to share this with him. suddenly, my senses go off. i look to my left which is where the threat should be coming from but i don't see anything. that is until blue flames burst through the wall and i'm blown away.

im sent flying into the training arena around me.

"ugh what the-" i sit up and there i see it

the league of villains.

"well well well, if it isn't the spider freak?" shigaraki smiles as he looks down at me.

a spider in the wrong universe Where stories live. Discover now