another visit

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shigaraki's pov:
"you're too full of yourself." i tell overhaul while standing over him. i pull out two boxes that we've stolen from him. "two little boxes. which one holds the finished product? i'll just take both" i decide

"that's mine." overhaul says

i look at him, "you know what i think overhaul? someone so obsessed with erasing others quirks, shouldn't have one of their own." i place my hand on his arm and activate my quirk. "don't you agree?"

his arm disintegrates and i decide to let go before his whole body does too. 

"now tell me, what do you know about the spider freak?" i demand

overhaul is too distraught to answer. i place four of my fingers on his face and threaten to add the fifth.
"tell me, what do you know?"

"his-his name is peter. pe-peter parker. he-he has more than one quirk. spider powers and- and he can  shoot these orange b-blasts." overhaul stutters over his words.

so the freak has multiple quirks huh? this just makes it even more interesting.

i let go of his face and he drops back onto the road.

"that's all i needed. let's go." i start to leave but then turn around. "and let's all do our best." i smile at him

overhaul can be heard screaming as we walk away.

peters pov:
one day later
the doctors deemed me okay to be discharged so i finally change out of my suit and into my u.a. uniform. while changing the tv in my room is playing and i see that the league of vilains attacked police while transporting overhaul. throughout all of this i actually almost completely forgot about the LOV. i decide to think about them later and make my way downstairs. i see aizawa and midoryia talking.

"ah hello parker." aizawa greets me

"hi parker!" midoryia greets

"hey" i respond. a lot is on my mind between the LOV, sir night eyes words, dr. strange's visit, and mr. stark's possible death.

aizawa and midoryia keep talking but i zone them out.

"..ker. parker?" i hear aizawa call my name. "are you listening?"

"um yeah! sorry" i say

"anyways, almost everyone's headed back to class. the doctor's wanna monitor togata a little while longer. but recovery girl was able to completely heal the rest of the students involved in the raid. they're gathering their things now." aizawa tells us

"i'd like to stay and wait until eri wakes up if that's alright." midoryia asks

"me too." i add on

"i'm afraid she's still too dangerous for that. right now, we need to trust that the doctors will help her." aizawa tells us

midoryia decides to leave and see togata before we leave but i decide to stay back. there's just too much going on for me right now.

while lost in my thoughts, i don't even notice mr. hawks coming down and sitting next to me and mr. aizawa.

"so peter." he starts and pulls me away from my thoughts "how are you doing kid?"

"i'm okay. a lot is on my mind right now." i respond truthfully

"i can tell." he says while giving me a soft smile. everything mr. hawks does reminds me of me. stark. "are you gonna be okay to go back to school? i was thinking maybe i could call you off for a few days. me and you could just hangout until you're ready to go back."

mr. stark would offer the same exact thing after a rough patrol.

"no! i-i mean i can't. i need to train. i need to go to school. i can't just sit back now!" i exclaim

"parker after what you went through nobody would blame you if you wanted a few days off." aizawa jumps in

"exactly peter. plus, whatever orange glowy thing you went through has obviously put a strain on you." mr. hawks says. "do you even remember that? or know what happened?"

"i-i remember. i just. i think it had to do with um with eri's quirk! did you not hear that midoryia was also glowing?" i lie (not so well)

"yeah but midoryia stopped after i used my quirk. you, however, kept going. is there something you'd like to share?" mr. aizawa asks me seriously.

"i- i don't - it's nothing. i don't know why you guys care so much! neither of you are my parents! neither of you are mr. stark or aunt may so i don't know why you guys act like you are!" i yell.

to be honest, i don't know why i resorted to rage. too much is going on for me to handle. i immediately start glitching like crazy and somehow wind up on the floor. i'm breathing heavy and my body is in so much pain. everything glows green and time is paused. the powers of the time stone are at work.

suddenly i'm in the orange cloudy place again and i see dr. strange. again, i'm filled with rage.

"did you know?" i ask not even looking at dr. strange

"peter you need to calm down." dr. strange advises

"did you know?" i repeat

"did i know what?" dr. strange asks confused

"did you know that mr. stark is going to die? you couldn't even tell me yourself. why wouldn't you tell me? i would've spent more time training and working harder!" i look up at him and yell

"peter i sent you there in hopes of changing our future. like sir might eye told you, nothing is set in stone. you have the power to change it."

i break and say, "but i don't. i'm not this unstoppable hero that everybody thinks i am. i'm 16! i can't do this! i just want to go home. i want my dad."

dr. strange walks over and hugs me.
"i know peter. i know."

"why am i so overwhelmed with emotions all of a sudden?" i clutch dr. strange's cape

"it's the effect of the stones. they heighten your emotions. but it's only temporary kid." he explains

he lets me go and looks me in the eyes with his hands placed on my shoulders. "you are more than capable peter. i chose you for a reason. you may be young, but you are the most capable person for this job. you have to power to change the future peter. i saw that yesterday. you can do this."

before anymore can be said dr. strange fades away and i open my eyes and see mr. aizawa and mr. hawks standing over me.

i groan and run my hands through my hair. they help me up and mr. hawks says,
"peter are you alright?? this is what i mean peter, you need a day off."

i don't respond but instead decide to go in for a hug.

"i'm sorry i yelled. i'm just really overwhelmed right now." i pull away and look at both of them. "there's something really important i have to tell you guys."

and that's when kirishima, midoryia, ururaka, and tsuyu walk in.

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