my future

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a/n : oh hey! sorry for being gone so long but i'm back!!

peters pov:
when i wake up, i wake up to a blinding white light.

"gah!..FRIDAY turn the lights down please!" i say forgetting where i am

"kid?! are you awake?" i hear a familiar voice say

"mr. stark? is that you? why is it so bright? and why are you so loud??"

"sorry kid, not mr. stark. i'll turn the lights down." the mystery person says

i finally open my eyes all the way and i see it's mr. hawks. for a second i thought i was in the medbay at stark tower. but i'm just in some hospital.

"what happened?" i ask

"you passed out after saving eri." hawks explains

"mr. hawks please stop talking so loud." i whine

"kid i'm practically whispering. what do you mean?"

i realize that i must be having a sensory overload which makes sense after going through that whole fight.

"sorry i think i'm having a sensory overload. my senses are dialed up to like 11 so to me you're extremely loud." i explain

"oh, would you like me to come back later then?" mr. hawks offers

"no, no it's okay. can you fill me in on what happened after i passed out?" i ask while my head still throbs

"yeah, of course. after you passed out the pros detained overhaul and most of his gang members and eri was retrieved with no harm done to her. her quirk is still unstable though, so she is being quarantined right now but she'll be out soon." he explains.

"thank god she's safe" i mumble under my breath

"everyone else is pretty much okay. everyone is expected to make a full recovery. except.." he trails off

"except..? what do you mean except?"

"sir night eye is not in the best condition. he was stabbed through the chest with a large pice of rock. they're doing everything they can but it may not be enough."


even with these new infinity stone powers i couldn't save everybody. what a hero i am.

there's silence for a moment before i speak again.

"what about mirio? is he okay?"

"mirio had some injuries but he'll be okay. unfortunately, he did lose his quirk." mr. hawks says sorrowfully

"do you think they could maybe bring it back with eri's quirk?" i ask

"maybe. nobody knows the full potential of eri's quirk yet."


we sat in silence for a little. mr. hawks is looking at me with some kind of curiosity. he looks like he wants to say something but he doesn't. eventually mr. hawks opens his mouth like he's actually going to say it but before he can, the door opens.

aizawa and midoryia walk through the door.

"parker how are you feeling?" aizawa asks

by now my sensory overload has dimmed slightly.

"i'm okay. i've got a slight headache but i'm alright." i respond

"that's good! we were all worried after you didn't stop screaming even after aizawa used his quirk on you." midoryia tells me

"oh yeah.." that reminds me about what dr. strange told me. i need to recuit heroes.

mr. aizawa turns to mr. hawks "well we need to bring the boys down to see sir night eye."

"right. of course." mr. hawks seems to have broken from his fixed look on me.

i get out of the hospital bed and follow them out of the room. we make our way to sir night eye's room and with my enhanced hearing i can already hear people crying. i prepare myself for the worst.

we enter the room and see all might along with bubble girl and some others. midoryia asks how sir night eye is doing...but they say it's too late. the doctors tell us to say our goodbyes.

we go into the room one by one and have a moment with sir night eye. even mirio came, while in his condition, to talk with him.

i go into the room last. i decide that im going to ask sir night eye a very important question. maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to tell me how this all ends. maybe he'll be able to tell me if i get back home and how. and maybe he'll be able to tell me if thanos wins, or if we beat him.

"hi mr. night eye..." i say awkwardly. i don't know how to handle myself right now. im fighting off my emotions just to be able to talk right now.

"parker." he says weakly.

"um i have something i wanted to ask you. maybe it's selfish of me to do so, but i need to know. please."

there's a moment of silence. right when i'm about to apologize and walk away sir night eye says,
"you'd like me to look into your future, wouldn't you."

"yes. but there's a reason for it." i take a breath and decide to go for it. "im not...from here. im not from this universe. i-i'm stuck. i don't know how to get back. but my universe is in danger and i need help." tears are welling up in my eyes at this point but i push on. "it would take too long to explain it all, but could you look into my future and see if i get back. and if we beat thanos. he's a- an alien. a big purple alien. you have to look and tell me what happens. please" i beg

"you...parker this is unbelievable."

"i know, i know. but you have to believe me. see for yourself. please look." i plead with him.

for a moment i think that he's not going to do it.
until his eyes turn purple and he lets out a gasp.

again, there's a moment of silence.

"so...what um what'd you see?" i ask

"you get back and you win. but the man in the iron suit... the red and gold one. he makes a sacrifice and pays the price for it." he tells me solemnly

"mr. stark dies? are you sure?" i ask tears streaming down my face. "i can't let that happen."

"peter, i've spent years looking for ways to alter the fates i've seen. and for the longest time i didn't think it was possible. i tried, but there was nothing i could do. but then today, you succeeded where i failed. in the future i and midoryia were killed by chisaki. but you changed that future. i believe it might have to do with the energy contained in thoughts. the power of a vision so strong it leaves no room for doubt and strives toward the desired future. you've changed my thinking. you've shown me the future isn't set in stone. i think... that if you truly believe that you can defeat thanos...without this mr. stark dying, you will. but you have to believe." sir night eye says while coughing throughout.

"thank you. thank you so much sir night eye."

the machine flatlines and sir night eye smiles.

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