first day at u.a.

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peters p.o.v.

my alarm goes of at 7 a.m. i decided to wake up an hour early because i know i'll get lost in the school. that place is big. i turn on my phone and say good morning to karen. (karen is part of his phone) i talk with her as i get ready for the day.

i put on my school uniform and brush my teeth. i look in the mirror to see how i look. i look...tired. and i was. i haven't been able to get more then 3 hours of sleep each night because of nightmares. every night the thought of people dying because i couldn't stop thanos pops into my head. i think of how mr. stark probably blames himself for my 'death'. it's not his fault, if anything it's mine...i should've been able to take the gauntlet off of thanos...

i was lost in thought but thankfully karen snapped me out of it.

"peter. i advise you get ready to leave the house. it's a long walk to u.a."

"oh yeah. thanks karen."

i grab my things and head to the kitchen for some breakfast. i see a note on the counter.

hey kid,
i'm not home because i have to get to work. y'know being a hero and all that. anyways i left some money on the table for you to buy breakfast and lunch.
see ya,

i cringe at the nickname but i write a little thank you at the bottom of the letter, grab the money, and leave the house. i decided to buy some food at a local coffee/donut shop. on my way there i listen to a few podcasts in japanese. i think it might be a good way for me to learn japanese.

~time skip to u.a.~

i get to school and i stand at the steps.

this is where i'm going to practice to be a hero. i'll do better. i'll be better next time. i'll save everyone when i get back. i can do this.

i take a deep breath and walk in. as i was walking in the halls i see some familiar green hair. i realize it's izuku midoryia.

i walk up to him and say, "um hi! you're the guy i bumped into yesterday right?"

he turns around and says, "oh yeah. you can call me deku or midoryia. doesn't matter which." he sticks his hand out for a handshake.

i shake his hand and say, "i'm peter parker. i'm from america by the way that why i speak english only."

"that's cool. i'm guessing you passed the entrance exam yesterday?"

"yep. i'm in class 1-a." i tell him.

"so am i! i'll walk with you to class so you don't get lost."

"oh thanks." i smile at him. he seems nice. 

we walk to class together and talk. he asks about my quirk and writes some stuff in his notebook.

we get to class and as soon as i walk in everybody looks at me.

"あれは誰?" a kid with yellow hair asks. i think his name was denki? something like that.

"this is peter parker. he's new and he doesn't know japanese only english" deku says for me.

i rub the back of my neck and say, "um hi. i'm peter parker."
i give a small wave.

immediately a group of kids are surrounding me asking questions about where i'm from, stuff about my quirk, who my favorite pro hero is, and stuff like that. the sound became a little too much so i tried to walk past them and find a desk but they blocked my way a little. i covered my ears, trying not to cry. they eventually stopped after someone had said, "leave him alone jeeze. he has sensitive ears or whatever."

the class quieted down and i opened my eyes and looked up. it was the other kid from yesterday. bakugou.

"t-thanks. um yeah thanks to my quirk my senses are dialed up to like 11 so loud noises can cause a sensory overload." i tell them.

they mumble sorry and back away.
then a kid with blue hair and glasses stands up, swings his hands like a karate chop, and says, "everybody take a seat. aizawa sensei will arrive shortly."

everybody sits down and i look around for an empty seat. there's one seat and it's right next to hanta sero i think his name was.

i sit down and pull out my phone hoping to talk to karen. my spidey senses warn me of a hand coming at me. they have been very alert lately. before the hand even reaches me i grab it.

it's the blue haired dude that told everyone to sit down.

i quickly let go of his hand and apologize, "oh uhm sorry. you kinda scared me so i grabbed your hand."

he ignores my apology and says, "put your phone away! you should be preparing for a day of education. your phone is not more important than learning!"

i nod not knowing what to say and put my phone in my pocket. i'm not really sure what to do so i just fiddle with my hands while i wait for mr. aizawa.

"dont worry about him. he's very strict on school and stuff." the boy next to me says. "i'm sero by the way." he puts his hand out for a handshake.

i shake his hand and say, "i can see that haha. i'm peter but you probably already know that."

i go back to playing with my hands a little bit to calm myself. i'm very nervous for today. and i'm still embarrassed from my panic attack yesterday with mr. aizawa.

i can feel people staring at me and it's not helping my nerves at all. at least there's no one like flash here to bully me. i start thinking about home. is may okay? did she dust too? what about the avengers? did any of them die? and what about my friends? who died because of me?

s n a p

what? what happened? am i-?

i look down at my hands to see if i'm dusting again. my hands are shaking but i'm not dusting. i'm fine. i take a deep breath. and sigh with relief.

i look up and see sero. he snapped in my face to get my attention.

"dude are you okay? you zoned out for a while and mr. aizawa just got here." sero says to me.

"yeah i'm fine."

i'm fine.

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