the stones

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3rd person p.o.v. :
aizawa, hawks, and principal nezu sit together in the principal's office.

"are you telling me that the league of villains has broken into the school again? and kidnapped my-the kid?" hawks yells

"well with kurogiri's quirk they can break in anywhere." nezu replies

"how many times are you going to allow them to target your students? you have teachers like all might at this school and it's still not safe enough?" hawks paces the room; the kidnapping of peter left hawks on edge. the kid was really starting to grow on him.

"we're investigating the situation and tracking them down and we already have scouts at potential base locations. we'll get him back." nezu calmly replied

"besides peter's a strong kid, he can take care of himself." aizawa adds


peter's p.o.v. :
the sensation of going through the portal sent chills down my spine. my senses were going haywire and i worry i made the wrong decision. but i would sacrifice myself time and time again to protect the people of this universe.

as soon as we all come through the other side, the villains immediately restrain me. with dabi holding my arms behind my back, toga handcuffs my wrists.

"don't want you go anywhere pretty boy" toga winks at me

i recoil back and test the versatility of these handcuffs. they're obviously meant to restrain those with strength quirks, but i think with enough force i could break them. i hold back for now and take a look of my surroundings. turns out the top secret hideout of the notorious league of villains is a dusty old bar. well if mr. stark could create ironman in a cave with a box of scraps, i'd be just fine in my nano tech suit in a bar.

usually my first instinct in this situation would be to discretely call for mr. stark with the help of karen. but mr. starks not i'll to call for mr. hawks instead. using the morse code mr. stark taught me for situations like this, i send my coordinates to mr. hawks.

"so what do you want from me?" i ask boldly

"we want the so-called infinity stones that you possess. we desire the 'unimaginable power' they can bring." shigaraki dramatically answers.

i roll my eyes, "the stones aren't just something i can give up. i barely even know how to use them, i don't physically have them."

"well you better figure it out" dabi threatens with a flicker of blue flame in his eyes.

"how do you even know about the stones? how did you find out?" i ask, genuinely unsure of how they heard. should i not have trusted bakugou?

toga walks over and strokes my shoulders as she walks past. "you should be more careful when you spill secrets. you never know who could be listening."

i grimace and pull away as she laughs at me. i consider breaking the cuffs right then, but then i wouldn't be able to find out how they can get me home.

"even if i was able to give you the stones, which i can't, how would you follow through on the deal and send me home?" i ask

shigaraki walks over to an ominous purple blob guy? and says, "kurogiri here has a quirk which allows him to create ports. i'm sure his quirk plus the power of these seemingly powerful stones we can achieve universal teleportation."

it's then i realize that the stones are my key to getting back home. why else would dr. strange entrust me with them? all of a sudden i think of uncle ben and his last words to me: "with great power, comes great responsibility." i have to keep these stones away from the league of villains and use them to get back home and take down thanos.

"well i have no way of giving you the stones. even if there is a way, i don't know how to de attach them from myself. it's magic man." saying that i don't think mr. dr. strange would like me to refer to it as that. i'm sure he'd call it something much more sophisticated like sorcery.

"quirks manifest well under pressure..." mr. compress says sinisterly as my spider sense goes off

what the hell is that supposed to mean

"just don't break his pretty face!" toga adds with a creepy smile

at least im no stranger to pain

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