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peters pov:
i waste no time in getting closer to chisaki. i web myself closer to him and punch him straight in the face. while i'm still in the air, one of chisaki's henchmen use their quirk to try and attack me but aizawa pulls me out of the way. his quirk hits aizawa and he pulls aizawa away from the battle. chisaki then uses that moment to attack. he uses his quirk to create spikes out of the ground.

i dodge, using my spidey sense. i look over and see overhaul using his quirk to combine himself with his henchmen.

"i will admit that you were stronger than me lemillion, but you will still hand eri over to me!" overhaul yells

i look around to get an understanding of the situation. nighteye is over with eri and mirio and mirio is severely injured. deku is on the other side of the room and is inbetween some spikes. i dont know where aizawa is or where the other henchman is. but overhaul is at the front of the room and is ready to attack.

"what an unfortunate turn for you lemillion. you chose to get involved with eri, with me. and now your quirk is lost forever. if you'd only backed down sooner, you could still hold on to your pathetic dreams. but due to your heroics you and your friends will have to die!" chisaki yells and he goes to attack mirio and nighteye

deku breaks off a part of a spike and uses it to attack chisaki while i try my best to web him up.

"leave them alone!" i yell

"aren't you the boy shigaraki is after? the spider freak?" chisaki asks while breaking out of his webs. "well maybe i can't kill you, but i can still kill the others!"

he uses his quirk to create another spike that shoots out at deku.

"stand down deku, i've got him!" nighteye yells as he attacks

deku runs over to mirio and eri and tries to help them to safety. he breaks down the wall which leads to a tunnel that mirio can lead eri down.

i look back over at sir might eye and see a spike coming right for him and before i can get a move in, it impales him.

"no!" i yell

i run toward chisaki and start webbing him up and punching him. i dodge his attacks and just keep attacking as hard as i can.

"i've already told you how this ends" he says as he pushes me back. "you're all going to die!"

"you're wrong i won't let that happen! even if it's already been decided. even if it's set in stone. i'll smash that future!" i yell. for just a second there's a green glow that over takes my vision. but just as quickly as it came, it's gone.

i run toward him again and use my sense to dodge his attacks. suddenly a spike i didn't see comes toward me and i brace myself for pain but instead...i glitch through it.

"what?!" chisaki yells in anger.

in this moment deku dashes forward and goes for a kick to knock him out and for a second i think he's done it but..chisaki dodged.

chisaki uses his quirk to create a spike and suddenly there's blood everywhere. there are two spikes sticking out of deku.

"you're done kids." chisaki says while he uses his quirk to create a mouth on his hand. "someone else is about to die because of you! is that really what you want? eri!"

i realize what he's trying to do.

"wait. it's not...i don't want this." eri steps out to us

"eri no!" deku yells

"eri go back! please!" i yell

"you don't really think they can defeat me do you?" chisaki asks

"no.." she responds

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