Chapter 4

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My ears rang as I slowly opened my eyes. Claggor slowly helped me up and dusted me off.

"Is everyone alright?" Vi asked as she came running onto the balcony.

Just then, one half of the balcony as well as part of the building began crumbling and fell to the ground below.

I coughed and looked around. Blue particles flew around in the air. Tiny shreds of paper were singed by blue flames. I looked over to Powder who had seemed to notice it to.

"What did you do" I whispered with narrowed eyes.

"I-" She stuttered in slight shock and fear.

Vi looked over the edge of the broken balcony to enforcers gathered around the rubble. They looked up to her and shouted to their comrades.

"Shit" Vi cursed as horns sounded. "Let's go!"

We slid down a pipe on the side of the building and booked it down the street.

"Stop right there!" Enforcers shouted at us as they chased us.

An enforcer threw a sphere that opened up into a capture device, just missing Claggor and wrapping around a pole.

We continued to run down the street, weaving through citizens and jumping down staircases.

"Faster!" Vi yelled as we heard enforcer whistles getting closer.

Just then, a capture device came bouncing between us , just nearly missing Powder's leg. I looked up to see two enforcer's on a bridge above us. I tripped and looked back forward. We were running onto the bridge that led to the other side of Piltover. Almost there.

I looked behind us to see practically an army of enforcers chasing us.

"Heads up!" Vi warned.

I faced forward to see enforcers raising the bridge in an attempt to keep us from crossing. We picked up the pace and ran straight for the split in the bridge. We each jumped over the small gap with success. We ran off the bridge and through different alleyways.

"This way!" Vi yelled as she took a sharp turn in an extremely narrow alley. We each followed her, bumping into the building.

Vi punched a pipe as we ran, causing steam to blanket the alley. She took another sharp turn in a tight space between buildings. She grabbed each of us and pushed us into the space.

We kept running in between buildings. Fewer enforcers were chasing us now. They had split up from not knowing which way we went.

We picked up the pace and ran into a tunnel, losing the enforcers. We stopped at a manhole cover in the tunnel. Vi opened it up, revealing a smelly sewer slide.

"Aw man not again" Mylo said as he held his nose, looking down into the hole. "I just got this shirt—"

Vi kicked him into the hole before he could finish. Powder jumped in next, Claggor followed behind her. I held my breath before jumping in as well. I could hear Vi jump in after me.

The slide down the sewer was messy and chaotic. We all screamed as we slid down and banged up against the sides of the pipe.

We finally got to the end of the pipe, landing in a gigantic pile of trash. Claggor crashed into Mylo causing them to roll down the pile.

"I thought last time was the last time we were gonna do this" Mylo groaned as he picked rotten food out of his hair.

"Yea well this time's the last time." Vi rolled her eyes.

"Guys what was that? What the hell happened back there?" Claggor said.

I turned my head to Powder and glared at her. The rest of the group noticed and turned to her as well. Powder looked at each of us in fear and put her hands up.

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