3 years ago

32 2 0


I sat in the cupboard by the locked front door, Dad always kept It locked. I hugged my knees to my chest, tears streaming down my face, he was coming to find me.
This was all just a game of hide and go seek, I was hiding, he was seeking and when he found me, I would be in deep shit.
I heard stomping.
I heard grunting.
"Come out come out wherever you are..."
I hugged my knees closer to my chest, he was the room.
My heart  fell back to my stomach. I heard more foot steps, I covered my neck and head with my arms as I heard the knob move. I braced myself,  I hoped it were Scorpio. The door swung open. "Shush." He said. "It's alright."

I lifted my head, I recognized the voice, I looked up a the blonde haired boy with green eyes, he smiled down at me.
I smiled back up at him. Scorpio held his hand out for me and I wearily took it, I flinched at his grip, at the strength and the muscles in his arm and hand. Muscles that normal 7th graders didn't have.
He pulled me to my feet, and I wrapped my jersey  tighter around my thin, boney and little body.
I used to getting rescued by him. After the third time he'd gotten me out, he told me to always hide in the closet by the door so he could easily get to me and knew where I was.
We stumbled out of the house and down the driveway, he helped m across the road and up his driveway and behind his mothers car to the garage.
He carefully helped me over to a wheelchair,  and let me fall into my seat. My frame was quite week and it was easier for me to get around in a wheelchair.
He looked down at me, sadness in his eyes, we both knew that my Dad was going to call the police, and that they were going to take me back 'home'.
My Dad would use the same old excuse that I was naturally skinny and had brittle bones. They always believed it and the police would wheel me back across the road and back into the house I would never fully escape from. 
Not mentally.
Not physically.
Not emotionally.
Not even spiritually.
He wheeled me inside to his mother who saw me and gave me another apologetic look and said, "well it's better having you here."
I nodded, I looked up at her and smiled. "Thank you." I said. She smiled back at me with bright eyes.


I stood leaning against the back of his chair, his frame looked so week, I wondered how he could walk. The microwave beeped and  mother grabbed out some left over Mac and Cheese. She motioned for me to wheel Theo over to the dinning table, I removed the chair from the head end and parked his chair in there. I sat next to him on the seat on the left. He looked over at me and opened his mouth. 
"Thank you." He said, his voice croaked, it barely sounded like a voice anymore, but it sounded serious.  My Mom handed me the bowl of Mac and Cheese, "he'll eat what he can, encourage him to but don't  force it."
I nodded mixed the meal in together with the fork while my Mom picked up the phone on the other side of the room. She started to speak. I knew she was talking to the police. I looked back at Theo and he was looking over at my Mom. I stopped a pasta kernel onto the fork and held it over to him.
Theo reached his shakey arm up to try and take the fork. "Thanks". He said. I let him take it and feed himself.
We sat there for for next five minutes while he slowly ate, I just sat there and watched. His eyes were droopy and red, he'd been crying,  he hadn't slept either,  he looked exhausted and he looked like he was going to fall asleep at any minute,  and maybe  not wake up.
His chest continued to heavily and agressivly come up a  down, and  his eyes slid closed, then he opened them again. Like a slow bink. I blame the guy in which he had no choice but to call him his father. He has no right to treat him this way.
I looked up from Theo, navy hair, dark purple eyes and freckles covering his cheeks and dotting over his nose.
I looked out the window, I saw the man coming over, across the street as police cars pulled up, sirens wailing. Theo saw it as well. He saw his Dad, horror painted his face, he tried to lift himself from hid chair.
I quickly got up and ran to lock both doors, the police caught up to him and I went back to Theo. His Dad was looking dead at him. Then he said something to one of the police men. I didn't  hear what it was.
But I knew what I was  about. One of the cops jogged up to the house and I herd a knock on the door. My Mom signed by unlocked and opened the door.
"I have said it before and I will say it again. We did not kidnap him, we are trying to rescue him from his abusive father. He does not have brittle bones, he's malnourished to point where he's a stick, and he is not naturally that skinny. No child is naturally that skinny."
"Ma'am, please step aside, holding a child hostage is the quickest way to getting locked up."
" Did you not just here a word I said." My Mom sighed, but she steppes aside. I got up from my seat as the walked over. "Can't you see in how bad of a situation he is living there, look, bruises all up hid arms." I pulled his sleeve up a bit, it reveled the horrific sight of purple bruises but the policeman shook his head.
"No, he just has brittle bones and when he falls and breaks one it leaves a bruise. How many times has your Mom been in and out of jail?" He asked me.
"Quite a few times." I answered, I knew he was right. "You need to tell your Mom that he is perfectly safe, one more time and I'll have reason to have placed her in a physic ward."
I stopped.
I stood still.
They thought my Mom was mentally unwell.
"Please don't make me go back there sir, Scorpio is right, he hits me and his Mom and his rescue me but you keep dragging me back to that man." "Kid." Said another officer entering the room, he handcuffed my Mom, her hands behind her back. "This is not the time for attention seeking." He paced backwards, leading my mom out of the house, the policeman over by me took Theo's wheelchair.
"Please sir, please don't make him go back."
He pulled the chair harshly from my grip, Theo grunted as he did, and then he wheeled him ot of my house,  I grabbed my overnight bag, my keys and locked the door behind us.
They wheeled Theo back across the road and loaded Mom into the back of a police vehicle. I sighed, knowing there was nothing I could do, I walked down the driveway and waved at my Mom as I walked past and the car pulled away from the curb.
Then I walked off down the street, Nana's house was only about a twenty minute walk. 


I sat in the closet of my room, my knees once again hugged to my chest. I stayed silent, quiet as a mouse in hopes my Dad would forget about me.
I heard footsteps.
I heart grunting.
I knew he was in the room.
But there was no sound that would distract him, no Scorpio to save me. The closet door was swung open, a gruff man with stubble covering his chin, eyes like mine in every way. He stared down at me, I froze and he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my room and down the hallway into the main room.
He threw me down infront of the table and pointed his finger at me. I raised my forearm level to my eyes which were now closed and I braced for impact.
I felt my Dad grab my shirt by the shoulders and I felt myself lift up off the carpet and opened my eyes just in time to see myself fly across the room, landing, my head smashing into the back of the chair.
"Dad..." I croaked out. "I don't want to hear it!" He yelled and grabbed my shirt again, I readied myself to be thrown again but then something came smashing into my face, his fist went dead straight into my mouth and nose, a metelic taste filled my mouth and blood dribbled down my lips and my nose throbbed, I felt one of my teeth lose.
I looked up at my father's scowl, his nostrals flared and a knock sounded at the door, my father got up and ushered for me to leave the room.
I obeyed and left the room, I heard the door open and I heard someone come in. I went back to the closet and I sat, knees hugged to my chest. It was comforting.
I heard yelling and raised voices, I heard swearing and...
A gun was fired and I froze, I took the blanket infront of me and I used it to cover myself from head to toe.
The door opened and I flinched. "Hey it alright. It's over now Kid." I heard a woman say. I looked up, she had horns sticking out of her fire red hair, she was a Taurus.
I smiled at her seeing that she was a cop. She helped me up and helped me out of the house into the back of an ambulance.
Then another lady walked up and shook the hand of the cop. She smiled at me and she and the policewoman went over to talk with another policeman. I lay on a stretcher in the back of the ambulance while the paramedic there checked me over.
"Whats your name?" He asked. "Theo." I replied softly. I didn't have the energy to say anything more. "Nice to meet you." He said, he was a pale guy with ginger hair and green eyes, he had a french accent. I nodded as an answer to his question and he picked up a tablet and started to type. Then he looked back over to me. "What's your full name." He asked.
"Theo Edward Dallen."
"How old are you Theo."
"I'm eleven."
"Date of birth?"
"May 14th 2027."
"I don't mean to interrupt." Came a voice. I looked over at the lady who had came and stole away the police officer. She looked over at me. "You must me Theo." She said. "Yes." I said warily. "My name is Madeline Harrington. I am yor social worker. Is there anything special that you have that you don't want to leave behind?"
"Where am I going." I asked.

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