Chapter 5

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It was Saturday morning around nine o'clock when I headed out to my Uber, she was a tall lady with a blonde Bob and glasses. "Hello." She asked me. "Hi." I replied. 
"Bit early for the young folk?" She asked and I nodded. "Gotta get to my girlfriend's house before she does something stupid and possibly illegal." I said as she pulled away from the curb. "What?" She said, giving me a weird look in the rear review mirror.
"I doesn't matter, I just have to get to her before she wakes up." I explained and she continued driving with the help of GPS. She dropped me of at my destination and I payed.
I practically sprinted up to the door and I banged on it, and Valeria opened the door phone in her hand. I grabbed it and pushed past her. "What the fuck are you doing?!" She yelped at me. I waved the phone at her.
"I have told you once, I have told you twice and I will tell you three times, you cannot post shit like this about other people, especially under these circumstances, you cannot go around using other people's misfortune to make yourself look like a hero!" I yelled at her.
"I am going to rule the world and the better I look to the public eye then the more people will like and it eventually it will build I mountain that I will climb to the top!"
"Not by doing it this way Valeria!"
"And why do you care about him?!" She yelled at me. She was right. Why did I care about him? I knew him from somewhere,  there was a kid that I had known, that I had cared so much for, that I would willing risk my safety to keep him safe and he disappeared in an ambulance.  Now three years later I find a boy, just like him.
The boy I would have done anything to protect. "I don't!" I lied. "But I seem to be the only one with common sense, and the one who actually cares about people and how bad this could affect them Valeria." I jabbed my finger at her and flicked me her middle finger. 
"You have no right whatsoever to come barging in here, stealing my phone, acusing me of such matters and tell me what I can and can't do. So get out my house before I call the police cause I swear I will." She yelled at me and placed her hand on my chest, she shoved me out the door and door and slammed it.
She opened it. Valeria grabbed her phone from my hand, stuck her tongue out at me and shut the door again.
I called myself and uber and went home.  I arrived back to my uncle at work like normal so I went and grabbed a can of coke from the fridge and sat at the dinning table.
No cousins. Home alone. With a boy on my mind. A boy that I hadn't been able to get off my mind since the first time I witnessed him flinch upon contact. It was first day , Spanish in L7, Valeria had just finished being an asshole, I remember looking at Theo.
I don't know why, but I couldn't keep my eyes off him, he looked like someone I knew, someone I cared so much about,  someone who now I understand a bit more, someone who wasn't always just a friend. At least not in my eyes.  I remember that Leo put his hand on Theo's shoulder and he flinched. It was never the first time. I remember I shut the door the other day. 'No' he had called out and his eyes had glasses over, bit I could still see the fear,  and suddenly he dropped, he sunk down to the ground in tears, repeating three words. 'No, Dad, no.'
I scared me, but it left me, I knew a kid, he didn't have a safe relationship with his Dad, his father used to lock him in his bedroom for days on end, would hunt for him around the house just to beat him and sometimes he would have a bat, I had told him to hide in the closet by the door so I knew where he was when I came to rescue him. A text popped up on my phone, ID: Bebe. I wasn't surprised but I brought up the text anyways.


Just know that if you pull anything like this again baby, the safety of Theo might not always be guaranteed, so pull your head out of your ass and keep your mouth shut

I texted an 'ok' back and turned my phone off, I knew if I blocked her shit would got down. But Theo's safety might not always be guaranteed.  Was she threatening him?
A boy that has been through so much, and she's making it worse just to look good. Valeria wasn't an asshole, she was wicked.

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