Chapter 3

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I sat in my room.
Valeria had been an asshole yesterday. She had no right to question him the way she did and she would have gone into interrogation mode. My Uncle poked his head into my room. "You need to leave, come on, get in the car." He said and left. I followed.
I fell into the front seat, my bag on my lap, my uncle got into the driver's side and backed out of the driveway. We drove down the main road and into the highway. We got nearer and nearer to the turn off point , he switched lanes and drove off the highway, down a long road and pulled over.
I got out and slung my bag over my shoulder and walked around the corner as my uncle continued off to work.
I saw my friends at the gate, I saw Theo with that girl coming up the street.  I walked over and we hurried to class.  We got there and I sat with my girlfriend at the back.
Theo walked in just as the bell rung and sat with the Gemini twins and the Leo. "So something is off about him. He lived in Washington, which is nearly a day away and he gets into a school in Vegas?"
The teacher walked in. He introduced himself and we started our work. "I don't know, maybe he already had residence here." I said.
"I wonder why his parents moved him." Valeria continued as she scribbled down answers from her textbook.
"Look, I don't like him. Which means If shit goes around about him, he'll leave."
"Why don't you like him." I asked flipping through my book. "Why are you defending him?" She pitched her voice to sound of betrayal.  She knew what she was doing.
"I'm not defending him, I just want to know why you dislike him?" I asked again. "Hes one of those kids who has a mystery behind him and that could chuck me out of the loop for power." She continued. "And once people know they'll be so interested and him and then it makes it a whole lot harder to take over the world."
"Fuck you're delusional. " I sighed shaking my head.
"You're delusional." She shot back at me. "My uncle is a cop, he'll sort it out. He'll find anything there is." She continued, I turned to her and cocked my brow. "He's a cop, HD won't do that." I said, thinking I had the upper hand.
I didn't.
"I have dirt on him, so much so that if he doesn't want it to get out...then he will do exactly as I tell him."
It was blackmail. Then again, I would expect nothing less from Valeria. The bell rung and we all piled put of class and made our over to our spot at the cafeteria. 
As we walked, I looked over at Theo and his friends, they were heading towards the library, I could only see the back of his head, but he had his hands firmly in this pocket, he was quiet and he walked behind the group. Something was up. "Baby!" I heard a voice call out to me, I knew the voice, I turned tail and went after my girlfriend.  We got to the cafeteria and got our trays of food,  sloppy Joe's. We sat down at a table with Mark and Jacob, Lorraine and Tatjana.  "So, Mr Blonde sir, what might the council be doing for prom this year? Asked Tatjana,  her French accent coming through.  "I'm not on it." I said,  she knew that.
"You should, then you could make the theme clubbing and me, Lorraine and Valeria can come dressed like whores."
"Thats not happening. " I confirmed.  "And why  not?" Asked Lorraine.  "Three reasons, 1. I'm not on the concil. 2. You and Jacob would totally fuck and you guys don't like using condoms. And 3. You've had pregnancy scares before, like four or five, so no." I looked directly at Lorraine while I spoke.
This was pointed directly at her. One day karma would bite her ass, and when that happens,  I'm going to laugh.

The bell rung for the end of school and Valeria clung to my arm as we made our way towards the gate. "My uncle is going to pick me up from the gate and I'll tell him what's what. I even have my blackmail picked out."
I didn't even try and talk her out of it, I knew if she had her mind set on something, nothing and no one  could stop her.
A black chev pulled up outside the gates, she gave me a kiss on the lips and skipped off and got in the car.

I sat in my room, Valeria laying on her stomach on my bed, she tapped away at her phone. I sat at my desk looking at my homework. It was algebra, Valeria was good as algebra. "So I got my uncle to run a background check on Theo, still no results." She said.
"And Lorraine emailed the principal and she's head of the prom committee." Valeria said getting of the bed and walking over to me. She looked over my shoulder at my algebra homework and pointed at question six. "Seven. The answer is seven."
I shook my head and erased my fifteen and wrote a seven in place. "Now explain how you got to seven as the answer."

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