Chapter 10

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I woke up Wednesday morning  with a text from Valeria. I opened up my phone and saw she'd called me three times and left me a text. I sighed opening it up.


Sorry, didn't loomst the time when I called you but mom was being a bitch and I was asking if you could come pick me up but it's OK, I'm at Tatjanna's house. I'll see you at school, luv you.

I sighed. Valeria was like her mom in some ways but she definitely didn't play guys, that was her mom, and her mom especially loved getting drunk with her boyfriend, which she brought a new one over each week, her mom when drunk was a bitch, but things ever got physical, her mom just an asshole. A whore basically. I text her back.

Yeah, soz I was asleep, how Tatji, I'll be at school soon.

I put my phone down on my table and got ready for school. Then I slipped out the door and got into the back of my Uncle's car, he dropped me off in the usual place and I walked the rest of the way to the gate, where Val was waiting patiently for me.

We were siting in class waiting for our teacher to arrive when Leo, May and Ray walked by me and Valeria on their way to their seats, Val looked down at her work and out the corner of my eye I saw Leo drop something into my bag, he said nothing, he just continued to his seat acting like nothing was wrong.
I wondered where Theo was, I looked behind me at Leo and he nodded subtly at my bag and I nodded.
I turned back to face the front of my the room, Valeria hadn't noticed and the teacher walked in and the lesson started.

The bell for the end of school rung and I headed out of my last class with Valeria. I hadn't told her about the walkie talkie that Leo had dropped into my bag during first period, I knew it was a comumication source for me to outside with Val knowing. I waved goodbye to her as she got picked up by her mom. My Uncle picked me up and we drove home.
I immediately went to my room and pulled out the walkie talkie, it had a note with it.

Source of communication, it's direct with me and Theo on the same channel.

I smiled, they gone through all this work for me? I paged Leo and Theo and they both picked up. I smiled. "Heh guys." I said.

"Pack your bags, me and Leo will be there in fifteen minutes, you need your cloths and your essentials, don't bring your phone." Theo's voice came through.
"OK." I said back and put the walkie talkie down and grabbed a bag. I grabbed some boxers, some shirts and some pants from my draws and stuffed them in my bag. I ran to the bathroom and picked up my tooth paste and toothbrush and slipped them into a snap lock bag and stuffed that into my bag.
Pulling my shoes on and and slipping into a hoddie I swung my bag on my back and sat on my bed. I texted Val that I was going down for a nap.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a three packets of chips, making sure no one saw me and hurried back to my room. Theo eventually paged me back.

We've pulled up infront of your neighbors in a yellow uber.

I smiled, throwing my bag on my back as I snuck down the hallway and through the entrance and the front door running to the yellow car parked infront of my neighbor's house.
I swung open the door and got in next to Theo who was sitting in the middle, Leo was sitting on the other side. The uber driver smiled at us and drove off.
"Where are we off to?" I asked. "You'll see." Leo told me, looking down at his phone. I nodded and buckled my seat belt.

We drove for awhile before we pulled into a town and the uber drive dropped us off outside a hotel and Leo payed. "Witney." I said. "How long are we here."
"We're here so we can get you Theo away from Valeria while the cops get involved so you two are out of harms way." Leo smiled at me. Theo gave me a smile as well.
"I told Leo what you told me about you being about how you were trapped with Val, and we decided to something about it. Theo said as we walked into reception and picked up our keys. We were on the second floor, number sixteen. We walked up there and Leo, who had the keys, unclocked the door and let us in.
I opened into a room with two beds, a single and a double, opposite that was a TV, a table, next to the single bed on the other side of the room was a small bathroom,  and in the corner next to the bathroom was an alcove containing a small kitchen.
"I'm assuming you two are OK with the double bed?" Leo asked me and Theo. I turned to Theo and he shrugged. "If your cool with it." He said. "You two made out on Theo's bed, surely you can sleep in one together. Just don't go at it at night." Leo snickered.
"Wait, you told hm?" I laughed and Theo nodded. "He's kinda my best mate, why wouldn't I?" He laughed. "That happened with the door open." I said flopping down on bed.
Ian there staring at the ceiling and I felt the bed sink beside me and I turned my head to see Theo sitting next to me. "Oh yeah, I brought chips if you guys want them." I said sitting up. Leo nodded. "Thanks." He said.
I got up and unzipped my bag, chucking a packet of ready salted blue bird chips. I chucked Theo the same flavor. He wasn't ready for t and I smacked him square in the face. "Oof." He called out. Leo laughed at him opening his bag. I got a packed for myself and opened them, reaching and taking out a hip and placing it in my mouth. Eating it.

We had been sitting there for a few hours just talking, Leo had called the cops and they were looking into it. We currently had Lorraine and Jacob, and possibly Tatjanna trying to find us and we needed food for tonight, tomorrow night and Friday night.
"I'm gonna head out and see if I can get some groceries, I'll be back in about fifteen minutes." Leo informed us pulling his hoodie over his face grabbing his phone and wallet. "It's better if I go, call of text if anything happens." He said and I nodded.
"Stay safe." I told him. "We're just a phone call away." Theo said as Leo walked out the door. I got up and locked it behind him and went back to my seat on me and Theo's bed.
"So...what do you want do??" Theo asked me, I looked over at him. I scooted closer till I was sitting right next to him.
I softly grabbed his chin and smiled at him as I brought his lips to him. I felt his left hand on my cheek as he kissed back. He pushed me down onto the bed climbing on top me, tearing his shirt off.
I took mine off as well as I ran my fingers down his spine, I could feel his hands moving  all over my torso, he gripped my hips lightly and started to rock. I could myself getting hard but I paid no attention to it and I continued to kiss him. I rolled us over so that I was on top of him. I sat up and he smiled at me a me as I placed my hand on his budge which had suddenly appeared. I could it  feel through his jeans and I started to palm him, I smiled as small moans left his lips.
Theo grabbed my shoulder pulling me back down and kissing me again. He worked his tongue into my mouth. "We should stop, Leo will be back soon, I don't want him walking in on this. But if he wasn't coming back soon I'd definitely keep going." I told Theo disconnecting our lips as I rolled of him.
Theo nodded. We both lay there on the bed, he grabbed a pillow and put it over his crotch, what I assumed to be him hiding his bonner. "You got one too." He said turning to me. I rolled over onto my stomach to hide it as undid the button of his jeans.
Theo let out a sigh. "You realize you just cheated on Val twice." Theo told me. "Firstly, I don't really care, secondly she's been fucking Jacob for the past three months because I didn't want to do it with her." I told Theo.
"Welll fair enough, she's a controlling asshole, I wouldn't want to have sex with her either." Theo told me and I nodded.
"It's one of the reasons I like you, you just... get it. You understand me more than Val ever did and -" the door opened and I was cut off, Leo stood there with a bag.
He saw us where we lay "Had fun I pressume?" He asked us. "Fuck off." Theo said checking  a pillow at him.

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