Chapter 1

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I sat in the living room of my foster placement's house, it was 11 am. I had two hours before my social worker would deliver me back to Vegas for my second placement.
I have been in this placement for three years and they suddenly decide they don't want me because they are tired of paying for therapy that 'doesn't work'.
Or couse I doesn't fucking work. Talking does not help trauma when you lived with it for twelve years. Talking doesn't solve anything. Getting this shit off my chest doesn't mean anything. I still get frightened when someone slightly raises their voice at me. It still scares me when someone raises a fist, or picks something up and it makes a sound. I still flinch when someone raises their voice or when someone touches me, weather it's a hug or putting their hand on my shoulder. It still scares me and no amount of talking about it will ever help.  But my current placement doesn't want to do Jack shit about it, they don't want to put money into something that could actually help me. And that's why they don't want placement of me, and that's why I'm being taken away.
They don't want to help me, they don't want to spend that money to help me and child services can't have me in a home where shits like that. So in two hours they take me back to Vegas. The last place I want to go.
I looked over at my foster sister, she tapped about on her phone, air pods in as she scrolled and tapped. She cooked her head to the side and laughter sprang from her mouth. She caught me staring at her.
"Ew, don't look at me." She said, passing out a fake gag, she got up and left the room, my foster bro walked in after her, he passed me a beer. "Thanks mate." I murmured . "A lot of cases like yours are booze, but there's not a lot of anger management,  no wonder Maddy almost screamed when I walked in with beer."
"Yeah." I said not looking up from my drink. I didn't like it when people brought my Dad up in a conversation.  "Percy!"
I flinched, spilling a drop of beer onto my lap. "Shit sorry Theo." My other foster sister said, her voice soft now. "Why did you give that to him, he's fifteen and...You know..."
"He had anger issues, not issues with drinking." I corrected. She nodded. "Sorry for raising my voice."
"OK, I just got news that you need clothes, if you don't get proper care I get fined, and you need two shirts and a jersey." My foster mother fussed,  picking up her purse. "Get in the car." She said and left through the front door.  I got up from the couch putting my beer down  and I followed her out to the car.
I lowered myself into the passenger seat and clipped up my seat belt, she backed out of the driveway and down the street.
The nearest mall was ten minutes away, for that time she didn't talk to me and I didn't talk to her. I sat in the passenger seat and stared out the window. I felt like I was in one of those sad music videos like my younger foster sister watched. 
We eventually pulled into the carpark of the mall and we went inside, my foster mom immediately took me into Target and we walked around. After a few minutes I found two shirts, one blue and the other pink.
I wasn't keen on the pink one. My foster mom walked over and I picked up two blue ones. "Good choice." She mused eying up the pink one. We went around to another section and I found a white hood."Mrs A!" I yelled out. My foster mother walked over and looked at the hood. She shook her head.
"White is easy  to get dirty, get the green one."
I looked.over at a grassy green one, I went over and picked it up.
Both shirts and hood fitted me perfectly so she payed for them and we went back to her place. When we got back I headed down the hallway to the furtherest room to the right and added my new cloths to my duffel bag.

A few hours passed by and there was a knock on the door. My older foster sister went to answer it.  The door swung open  reveling Madeline,  my social worker. She smiled widely at my older foster sister. "Good morning Keira." Madeline smiled. Keria nodded. "Theo's in the lounge. She stepped away to revel me, navy hair and dark purple eyes. I wore glasses and a red shirt with back ripped jeans. 
"Hello Theo." She said, her pearly white smile frightened me. She thought going back to Vagas was a good idea. But it scared the shit out of me. I am going back to the place where I never thought I would return to. At least my Dad wasn't there.
I took my duffel bag and Keira walked me out to Madeline's car while she talked to my former foster mom. Just a minute ago the papers were signed, she was no longer my foster mom, and I was Madeline's for the next seventeen hours and one minute, not including if was traffic is shity. I hugged Keira goodbye and I dropped my duffel bag in the footspace of the passenger seat. Then I lowered myself down onto the seat and buckled myself in.
The door suddenly slammed shut,  I practically jumped, grabbed hold of my right knee with my right hand.
"Oh sorry." Said Madeline,  she placed her hand on my shoulder as she got in and started the engine. She buckled in and shut the door, putting the car into reverse she backed down the driveway. 
I looked up and saw my ex younger foster sister glaring at my. I flicked her my middle finger. Madeline laughed, "be careful she doesn't run down after us."
"She's to self absorbed in her imaginary perfect life to do Jack shit." I laughed shaking my head. So did Madeline as she hit the gas and the car flew down the road.

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