Chapter 8

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I sat there in my room, thinking about making a bad decision.  I knew why Theo was, same name, same past, same trauma. Theo was the boy I'd help all those years ago, I remember, he didn't catch onto my name properly I think, he always called me Scorpio. 
I let him, I didn't correct him, I liked having the Nickname, even if it was accidental. Valeria had just left, she'd been here late and my uncle had sent her home. My two cousins were home and my uncle was out.
It was the weekend and I looked over and out the window, I made my decision.  I got up and grabbed my hoodie from my room and my sneakers from the door, hopping around the living room while trying to put them on. I picked up my phone and my keys and walked out the door.
I phoned and uber and waiting for five minutes outside my house before it turned it up. It was the same lady that picked me up when I went to confront Valeria. "Going to stop your girl from doin' something illegal?" She laughed and I shook my head.
"Thankfully not." I answered. "Just going to see and friend,  she punched in the address that I gave her to the GPS system. I'd never been to Theo's house but the time he was over at mine, he'd given me his address. My Uber driver pulled up outside his house.
I got out and saw Theo sitting in the steps, he saw me. "I really hope this isn't about Valeria posting something else." He groaned. "Don't worry, I'm here for a different reason, are you waiting for someone?"
The uber driver drove off.
"Yeah Leo, I'm going to his house while Mikayla and Madeline are at court." He said. "Does this have to do with you Dad?" I asked.
I went and sat with him, "Do you remember when I was at your house and you said about Valeria's uncle doing a background check on me? How much did she find?"
"She knows that you Dad was severely abusive towards you and your Mom before she left." I told him and he nodded. "I miss my Mom sometimes but I hate her sometimes for leaving me with that man." Theo said checking tr tike on his phone, "Leo's gonna be here in five minutes. What's your reason for being here? You avoid me at school, don't talk to me and suddenly turn up at my house?"
He was right.  I took my phone out of my pocket and showed him the text message from Valeria.


Just know that if you pull anything like this again baby, the safety of Theo might not always be guaranteed, so pull your head out of your ass and keep your mouth shut

"I was avoiding you because I didn't want her to hurt you, she won't leave me alone, let alone out kf her sight and she doesn't want me talking to you or your friends, I don't want to be the reason you bad badly hurt. But yet here I am. " I said to Theo.
"Than why are you here."
"I remember the first time I saw you, I knew I'd seen you before, I just couldn't remember or pin point where and when. Know I know. I used to know a boy the same age as me when I was eleven,  he lived across the street from me and his father was a bad man, he used to hit him and lock him in his room for days on end, I used to go in and get him out. I remember telling him to hide in the closet by the door so I knew where he was, but then an ambulance came one day and be disappeared. I know who that boy is. That boy is you."  I said to Theo.
He smiled. "Fuck, was I saying your name wrong for that entire time,  I thought it was Scorpio,  I'm so sorry. But thank you, thank you for everything you've done for me." He said.
Theo shuffled a bit closer and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back. "Thank you. Thank you for what you and your Mom have done for me." He said. He pulled away and a car horn beeped as it parked across the road, "Thats my ride," he said and got up.
"You know I still have to avoid you at school you know." I said to him and he nodded. "I knew I knew from somewhere, and know I know, but you have my address so you can come tall anytime." Theo said and ran off down the drive and into the back of the car.

I got home and walked in the door, closing it behind me and locking it. I walked down the hallway to my room but when I opened the door I saw Valeria sitting, legs crossed on my bed. "How the hell did you get into my house?!" I yelled at her. "You window was slightly ajar, you know I'm creative." She said.
"Thats breaking and entering Val, it's illegal!" I yelled at her. "I didn't break anything, you did." She jabbed her finger at me.
"And whose house were you just at?" She asked. "I was at Jacob's." I lied. My office chair by my desk spun around, sitting in it was Jacob. "Try again." He scowled at me.
"Who's house were you at?" He voice got more and more threatening as she spoke. I sighed. "You already know the answer to that." I leaned against my door frame. "Yes, but I want to here it from you." She said.
"I was at Theo's. Is that what you want to here and how did you know."
"Because I saw you. I knew you didn't have plans with Val today or with any of us, you don't go out on Weekends unless it's with us so I followed you and who do find you talking with on the front steps of their house, Theo Jones." Jacob said, he leaned back in his chair.
I knew I was in deep shit. I looked at Valeria pick up hee phone. She red aloud. "Imagine rescuing a boy from such a horrible place for him to turn around and stab you in the back, well your best friend’s back. I couldn't believe the news when I heard it, Theo, a boy every one thought was so innocent, has put my best friend Tatjanna Mayfair in Los Vegas ICU after almost stabbing her to death." Valeria gave me a death stare. "You can't post that Val, that's too far." I pleaded. "You went to far when you hugged him." She yelled at me. "You being bisexual means that I not only have to watch out for other girls but other guys as well and you seem to care about him a lot more than you care about me!" Valeria shouted. And I just slipped out.
"Because I do care about him, I care about him a lot!" I knew as soon as I said it, and I knew I couldn't take it back. I looked at Valeria, she was shocked. "W-what?" She said. "How long have you felt like this?" She asked, her voice shaky and drained of emotion.
She didn't give me a chance to answer before she yelled. "You love him more than me!" Tears pricked at her eyes and started to roll down her cheeks. Her voice was like thunder, thunder and rain.
She stormed out of my room, Jacob trailing after her, he stopped and turned and looked at me, a dead cold stare. "You know you just got Theo into a shit situation. You should've just stayed away."
I nodded, I know what I had done and how much it would affect him. Jacob left and I sat in my room until my cousins and Uncle got home later that night.

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