Chapter 2

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"Theo!" Mikayla called as I rushed down the stairs, I had a bag slug over my shoulder, it was something I was told I didn't need to bring as one would be supplied for me.
I jumped from the third stair up and landed on two feet in the entrance way. Gabby laughed, and then told Dylan what I'd done.
He laughed to. We walked out to the car, Dylan had a red and white stick which he used to guide himself, but Gabby still helped when she could. Me and Gabby piled into the back seat while Dylan had dibs in the passenger seat. I looked down at what I was wearing, it was an orange shirt with denim shorts that hugged my legs down to my knees where is was cuffed by an inch. I had brown socks and white sneakers. I took my hand back through my navy hair,  short and straight.  I had the same glasses as I did the week after I got Washington. 
I took my foster parents a week to figure out I was short sighted.  I was a fine day and I'd checked the weather fallcast so I didn't bring a jacket.
I had a reasonably good phone, Keira brought me one for my fifteenth birthday cause my foster mom of that time didn't want to buy me one. So I ended up with a iPhone 13 pro max, which was a cheaper one from like 2021 but it was a phone.
We drove down the street, we were running late because of a power outage and if we had of walked then we would have been about fifteen minutes late.
Mikayla stopped infront of the school and we all got out. She waved to us and drove off. Me, Gabby and Dylan walked up to the front gate and a special needs teacher was waiting for us. "Hi Dylan." She said as we approached. "Hi Miss Smith." Dylan said. He sounded cheerful and the teacher led him off to the right to the special needs building.
"We need to run to the hall for intro." Said Gabby as she took off in a sprint. I booked it after her. We entered the hall and snuck in at the back. "Welcome to grade 10! ' The man up front on the stage yelled. "Since this is 10th grade, you have a lot more options in your courses, which you have already started, you have chosen your electives and we have a new opportunity this year. We are going to be visiting New Zealand in the second semester!"
Students cheered, others groaned, but I sat quiet. New Zealand was on the otherside of the world. I was going to be on the otherside of the world from my Dad.
I cheered to. So did Gabby. And that's when I saw him. A blonde haired boy with green eyes. I recognized him from somewhere.
But I couldn't place finger on where. "Come on, let's go get our schedules." Gabby said, giving my arm a nudge with her elbow.  Mikayla had gotten an email last night for me and Gabby's classes. I was in 10A, she was in 9A with Miss Hampton as our homeroom teacher.
We left the hall and I followed Gabby through the school, there were other students doing the same thing. There to move though thankfully, but It was easy to lose Gabby so I tried to stay close.
Soon she stopped infront of a building that looked like the gym
and she led me inside. Down the hallway and inside a classroom.
Inside there were five desks In  the circle, and at the head of the group of tables was the teacher. Gabby took a seat with one of the other girls. There wasn't an empty seat next to her so I sat next to a grey haired boy with sky blue eyes, dark blue glasses, he had an orange hoodie, grey track pants and purple sneakers.
"Hi." He said. I gave him a genuine smile and looked down at my hands with were clasped on the table.
"Good morning students, my name is Miss Hampton, welcome to the health classroom,  I am the health teacher and the P.E teacher. We are going to go around the table, we are each going to say our name, our sign and something interesting about ourselves. And then we'll get into talking about you schedules. I'll start. My name is Miss Hampton.  I am a Capricorn and despite the fact that I am only thirty six, I have a twenty year old son."
"Damn." Said the grey haired boy on my left. "And that kids, is why you use protection." Said a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She had a white shirt on a black spaghetti strap dress on overtop . She sat next to the teacher on the opposite side of the table.
"Yes, that I why school teaches you to use protection but most kids don't listen. I was one of those kids. Now, Ray. Would you like to start?" Miss Hampton asked the dark skinned boy next to me. He had elf ears and navy hair.
"My name is Ray, I  am a Gemini and I'm a twin." He said. Miss Hampton looked at me.
"I'm Theo. I'm a Taurus and something interesting about me is that I speak 5 language not including English. "
"What languages do you speak?" Asked a girl who looked like Ray. "I speak German, Chinese,  French, Russian and Te reo."
"Whats you first language." The brown haired girl asked. "I don't mean to be rude, but we have to get all the way around the circle, into the schedules and other stuff before interval. So moving on." She looked at the boy next to me. "My name-"
"Sorry I'm late." A boy called as he came crashing through the door. He was the same boy with blonde hair and green eyes.
"I hope you have a good explanation. " Said Miss Hampton sternly. "I do." He said walking over and passing her a slip of paper. She nodded and motioned for him to sit, he sat next to the brown haired girl.
"You'll learn names quickly. " She said and gave the grey haired boy a nod. "My name is Leo and my sign is... surprise surprise Leo. Interesting fact about me is that this-" He pointed at his hair.  "Is natural. It's loss of pigment. " He said. This went on for three more people until it got to Gabby. "My name is Gabby, I am an Aries and something interesting about me is that my name was originally gonna be Chloe."
Then was the girl next to her who looked like Ray. "My name is May. I am a Gemini and I am the other twin. "
Then was the blonde boy. "I'm Scorpious, I'm a Scorpio and an interesting fact about me is that I once had a pet scorpion when I was thirteen. " Next was the girl with brown hair.
"My name is Valeria, I'm a Virgo and I have a taste for power."
"Very nice, now schedules..."

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