Chapter 9

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Scorpious had just left and I sat on the end of my bed, pillow on my crotch covering the bonner he'd given me during the make out.
I kinda hoped he hadn't seen it, it was slightly embarrassing and so was the fact that Gabby and Dylan could have walked past and seen something, or heard something, what if Mikayla or Dan had walked past, then would have seen me making out with him.
They seemed like very accepting people, but it still worried me. I laughed, what the hell had I just done? There was a sudden knock at my door and looked up, Gabby stood there, "what did he want?" She asked. "Just dropping off my work." I told her, she seemed to believe it and walked off. I knew she knew I bunked, it was quite obvious. I thought calling or texting Leo.
But I didn't as Mikayla knocked at my door, and she didn't look happy. She frowned at me and I   knew I was in trouble. "So." She said. "Why weren't you school?" She asked me. I sighed.

I was grounded, but that was alright, I didn't really leave the house anyways, apart from school but it was Monday morning and I walked with Gabby and Dylan to school. We got there and again, everybody was staring at me. I pulled out my phone, and went into instagram, I saw the post, I saw the comments.
My chest went tight as Dylan left and Gabby went with her friends, I saw Leo up ahead and he ran over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back.
I didn't want to cry, I didn't want to look week. So I just stood there arms wrapped around Leo. I looked up from his shoulder to May and Ray who were standing back. They'd seen it, every one had.
"I need to talk to you..." I told Leo and her pulled away. "Is there an update about you Dad?" Ray asked as he and his sister got closer. "No, but I won't be here tomorrow,  I got court and they need me there." I said.
"We're here for you." Leo said, placing his hands on my shoulders. "No flinching." Ray smiled. "I'm getting used to touch." I smiled. The bell rang. "Can I drop by yours cause this isn't something I want to talk about in these gates." I said motioning to the surrounding school. "Fair enough." Leo said.

The interval bell rang and I just wanted to go home, I was getting whispers and disgusted looks. It wasn't true, but everyone was wrapped around Valeria's finger, she could say anything and they'd believe it.
It was like politics around her sometimes. Leo had been by my side all day and we now walked to the library, Leo and Ray on my right and May on my left.
I'd seen Scorp today but he was avoiding me, I knew and understood why, I felt bad for him, he was in a horrible situation with a choice to make. My safety or his freedom.
We sat down at the library and May pulled out a deck of UNO cars. People had come and go through the break, stooped and stared, others pointed but no one had actually said anything. Then a girl came along. "Loraine." Leo said. "So you do know my name?" She said. "I hear it a lot round school." He said. "Anyways, what does Valeria have to say that she can't say directly to us?"
"No, just wanted to say something to him." She pointed at me. "He's Valeria's boyfriend,  hands off." She said and walked off.
"What did she mean?" May asked. "Ah fuck." I laughed. "What?" Ray asked. "He came over to my place and we kinda made out on my bed." I said.
May stared at me. She was shocked. "Bro, you did what?!" She said, slightly raising her voice. Leo smiled. "I told you he didn't hate you."
"Yeah, not hating me is a long way from kissing me." I said. "Wait, he kissed you?" Ray asked leaning forward."
"Why was he even at your house?" May asked. "You know the tweets that Valeria posted about rescuing me from my Dad?" I asked. "Yeah." May asked confused. "Yeah, it was Scorpious who rescued me. He lived right across the road from where I lived, I'd know him for for few years but I knew he looked familiar when I saw him here for he fist time." I explained. "How old were you?" Ray asked. "Eleven." I responded.  "Thats kinda cool and he kissed you didn't he, not the other way around." May said.
"He kissed me."
"I think he might have a thing for you ~" May mused and Ray slapped her across the back. "Not shit Sherlock. " He said, we continued to talk until the bell rang.

After school, eventhough I was grounded, I went with Leo to his place. His father parked the car and he got in the passenger seat and I climbed in the behind him, we picked Aurthur up and he gave me dirty looks all the way back to the apartment.
Once we got up there, we went and sat on the balcony while Aurthur went to his room. "So what did you need to tell me?" Leo said. "It's Scorpious,  his relationship with Valeria, he wants out but he's trapped, she's got him in a corner, he's scared, for his life and for mine. Val has this thing going on where his cooperation decides weather I live or die. She's threatened my life and he can't do anything about it because that's the corner she's got him trapped in. His freedom or my safety and right now, he's chosing me." I told Leo.
Leo stared at me shocked,  "we need to contact the cops, but that could go wrong in so many ways. We can even get him alone." He said and I nodded. I didn't know the extent of what was happening or what was to come, but we needed to talk with Scorpious.
"But if it's this bad with Valeria, and he hasn't reached out...maybe he can't, I've heard of people who can see their partners messages, emails, everything, they basicly have access to their whole phone, like control freaks." Leo told me and I nodded.
"So he can't reach out and we can't do much to help, we might have to put a bit on the line..."
"What if we snuck him out..." Leo wasn't looking at me when be made the comment, he was looking pavement through the balcony banister. I stared at him. Then I spoke. "You might just be a genius. Tomorrow arvo the three of us can sneak out and stay out while the cops do their thing." I said and he nodded, finally looking back at me. "Because you have a court date tomorrow morning right?" Leo asked.
"Yeah, this one I have to attend." I confirmed and be nodded. You got to get home, but keep me posted." He said shaking my hand, Ieft and got and uber home, telling Mikayla I had gotten  a detention.

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