Chapter 13

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Me and Scorpious stood outside the court room with Mr Nero, Milayla and Madeline. Dan was already inside with Gabby and Dylan. Ray and May were in there too.
Mr Nero nodded to tone as he opened the doors and led me down the aisle between the two sides of seats. Infront of us was a small foyer like space, and above us was the Judge. On my left was him. The man I had called Dad all my life. This is what decided if I stayed with the Joneses or I I with him.
I was called up to stand and I stood there, frozen in place, the Judge turned to me and started asking me questions. I answered. Then he asked me something I was not expecting. "And what about your Mom?" He asked.
I had faint memories of her, and one in particular came flooding back.

"I don't love you anymore." Mom yelled at my Dad as he backhanded her against the cheek. "I don't care! You will stay and you will give me a proper son, not this piece of shit." My Dad yelled. "You can't make me do this anymore Joe!" My Mom yelled at him.
"You are my wife, you are my property and you will do exactly as I tell you two." He shouted. My mother cowered against a wall. He was much bigger than her. Much stronger than her. I sat in the living room, tears running down my face. "I am not your property and neither is Theo. I'm leaving at I'm taking him with me. Find another woman to force her to have kids with you!" She was screaming at him now. He grabbed her by her shoulders and with extreme forced threw her down against the stone fire place. Then he dropped her and she fell to the ground. She didn't move. There was a blood stain on stone from where her head had hit. He looked at me, and then my Mom. He picked her up by the foot and dragged her out of the room.

I only saw her once after that, it was the day after and it was an accident. I was helping him in the garage when I smelled something foul coming from the freezer, he wasn't looking so I went over and lifted the lid.
I saw her in there. Pale. Covered in ice and with not as much skin, but I saw bone. Lots of bone. I didn't understand what I was, I was only eight. But now, I realise, it was my mother, her dead body decomposing in the freezer.

"Mr Jones, I asked you a question." The Judge said snapping me out of my thoughts. I cleared my throat. "He killed her." I said and I explained what I remembered, what I seen what he forced her to do. The Judge nodded nodded along with my every word.
The court battle went on for two hours, now Scorpious and I sat outside the room with Mikayla, Dan, Gabby, Dylan, Ray and May. "Hey Theo." Scorpious said to me. I looked up. "I'll take you ona date after this is finished, where do you wanna go?" He asked me.
I smiled. I had my head on his shoulder. "There's a Cafe downtown, they have a performc arts nights. Wanted to go there for a while but never go the chance." I told him. Scorpious nodded and said. "Performance arts Cafe then."
We were out in the corridor for about half an hour before we were invited back in, it was the final say, would say now. I took my place up at the stand, directly across from him. The Judge infront of us.
Mr Nero gave me a hopeful look, I pulled the sleeves of my hoodie over my hands which were shaking. "The discion has been made, it was quite and easy one." The Judge said. I held my breath as I stood there, frozen in place. "Theo, you will stay with the Joneses." He said, "and Mr Dallen you are under arrest for the murder of Avery Dallen." The hammer fell, bag onto the table infront of him.
I breathed a sigh of relief as I looked over at Mr Nero, who was smiling. "You're a brave kid." He said to me as I was engulfed in a hug from Mikayla and Dan. I smiled at Madeline who was holding some sort of papers.
Gabby raced over, Dylan in tow as soon as Dan and Mikayla had let me go. They hugged me and I hugged them back. Scorpious was smiling at me, so when I was free from Gabby and Dylan's hug, I went over and embraced him. "I so happy." I said into the crock of his neck. "I glad you're in a safe home. I didn't know what he did to your mom. I'm so sorry you had to go through that." He said, in response I just hugged him tighter. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I let go of Scorpious and turned to Ray and May.
"So, are you guys official yet?" May asked all excited. "Are we?" Scorpious asked me. "I think so." I answered back as he slipped his arms around my waist.
I saw my Dad walk past, scowling at me. He saw Scorpious' arms around my waist and looked away. I don't know if he cared or not, or if he was just pissed that he lost and was going back to jail. Mikayla, Dan, Gabby, Dylan and Mr Nero joined us as we walked into the corridor.  Me and Scorpious,  hand in hand.

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