Chapter 12

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Thoughts running threw head, pain, shook, fear, my world seemed to spin and vision clouded and I dropped, I remember hitting the floor, pain shooting up through my shoulder to my neck as my surroundings went black.

I woke up to shouting and sirens, my vision blurry a d my shoulder aching but other than that I was fine, I sat up, my head was still spinning, someone tapped my shoulder and I flinched. I looked up at Scorpious who was crouched beside me, I looked up at him, he looked utterly terrified. But he wasn't looking at me. I followed his gaze and there infront of us was Valeria, gun in hand standing over the body of a boy with grey hair, he was limp and he lay In a pool of blood. Limp on the floor, he didn't move. "Leo." Was all that left my lips as I stumbled to my feet and suddenly the gun was pointed at me. I felt someone take my hand.
It pulled me down and I didn't resist,  I sat on the vynl next to Scorpious who was still gripping my hand.
Valeria smirked and shoved the gun back into her bag. "See, cooperating isn't that difficult, and hey, your boyfriend is still alive isn't he?" She told Scorpious, her face cold with no emotions. She gestured with her head for him to follow. I felt Scorpious squeeze my hand.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go, I don't want you to die too." He told me as he got up and followed Valeria out the door. I stumbled over to Leo, tripping over my own feet, I fell to my knees placing one hand on his shoulder and the other on his hip as I filled his body over so that he was lying on his back. I knew he was dead. Tears fell down my cheeks as I took in his features, his once bright blue eyes now so cold, so lifeless, he didn't look any paler but he looked a bit drained. His terrified expression still moulded on his face, I wiped away my tears as I sat there, not sure about what to do.
The door suddenly flung open and two cops with guns at the ready stormed in. They looked at Leo and then they looked at me. One walked up to me and grabbed my shoulder pulling my arms behind my back, I felt cold metel slip around my wrists as he dragged me outside and across the balcony, down the stairs and to a cop car which was parked by reception.
People stared at me, giving me disgusted looks, I was innocent but look guilty, he shoved me into the back of of car and slamed the door. I watched  as they rolled a bed out, a black body bag with my best friend inside, across the car park and into an ambulance.

It had been about a week since the incident at the hotel, I was quiet quickly confirmed not guilty as nothing tied me to the crime and I had no motive.
I was at home, sitting up in my room, I wasn't allowed back at school till this was over, Mikayla insisted that she stayed home with me until this whole ordeal was over.
That hadn't caught Valeria. Scorpious was still missing. Leo was still dead. Ray and May had visited yesterday, they'd just been told the news. They didn't blame me. They blamed her. New information had popped up on Instagram about me from Valeria,  Mikayla had locked it on my phone and laptop for the time being so I didn't have to look at it.
I still blamed myself for Leo's death though. I still felt as if I was my fault. If we had of just stayed put, he would still be alive. I sighed as a knock sounded on my door.
I looked up from my place at the end of my bed. Gabby smiled at me. "How are you doing?" She asked me, I grunted and she walked in and  sa next to me. "I'm gonna take that as a meh." She said. I nodded.
"You know you have us a big scare back when you left, no messages, no calls, we thought you were at Leo's house, Mom found his Dad on Facebook,  he wasnt there an neither was Leo. We tried the Gemini twins,  neither of you two were there, then we were contacted by Janie, Scorpious' cousin, Scorpious wasn't there and  ether were you two. You can't do that, even under these circumstances. " Gabby said.
"I know." I replied. "Then why did you do it." She asked. "I don't know." I lied. "Yes you do, your not the type of person to do things without thinking." Gabby said to me.
"Well this I did." I lied again. She saw straight through it. "Your lying to me. I don't like it when you lie to me. Why did you do it-" She said, but I cut her off, interrupting her. "Because I like him, I really really like him, like more than a friend way, like-"
"Wait, are you gay?" She asked exited. I was a little confused,  but I nodded. "Yeah, I'm gay." I said. I looked up as Dylan made his way into the room, swishing his red and white stripped stick, guiding his way. He handed Gabby a twenty dollar note.
"Tols you he was gay." She said to him. "Wait, were you guys betting on my sexuality?" I asked, this for some reason made me laugh. Leave it to Gabby to so something like this.
"So, you and Scorpious, have you guys done anything yet~" She asked me giggling. "No, Gabby, we don't need to know about Theo's sex life." Dylan groaned making his way out of the room. "He's right, but I can say maybe." I showed her out of my room, she pointed her middle and index fingers st her eyes and then redirected them at me. I pointed my middle finger at her. She laughed and left.

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