Chapter 11

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We sat in the kitchen of the hotel, it was very tight and me and Scorpious sat opposite each other, almost pressed up against each other. This kitchen was made so only one person could be in here at a time. Next to me was Leo. We sat eating some chips that Leo had brought back from the supermarket.
We were waiting for a call from Ray to hear what was happening, if we could come back or if Jacob and Lorraine had it out for us. We had gotten  a text this morning that Val had been taken into custody for questioning. Lorraine and Jacob didn't have a part in the legal side of things so they could easily hunt us down. Hence why were in Witney.
We hadn't told mine or Leo's or Scorpious' care givers what was happening and they were all probably worried..
"We're gonna be grounded when we get back." I said to Leo Scorpious. Scorpious nodded. "We didn't tell anybody, but if we did things would be harder to keep under control."
There was a knock at the door and Leo got up and steppes over me and Scorpious' intertwined legs and walked over to the door. He opened it and froze. He started to walk backwards and soon me and Scorpious could see who our intruder was.


She smiled and us and slipped her bag off of her shoulder. "What do you want Val?" Scorpious asked her standing up.
"How did you find us?" I asked lifting myself to my feet. "I have eyes everywhere, but what do I want?" She said dropping her bag to revel a gun in her hand.
Black steel so shiny you could see your own reflection, it was a hand gun, she pointed it at me. "I want you dead."
A saw her finger move to the trigger and I heard Leo scream. "Valeria!"

He stepped backwards towards me and Scorpious who were to slow to move before her finger flicked at the trigger.


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