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"I can't find it. I can't find it! Where the fuck is my lipstick?!" Rachel has been screaming like a lunatic in the room for the past thirty five minutes. She has gotten on top of her desk, and she is standing up on it. For real.

"Rachel get back down here, you're not going to find it on top of there," I yell at her from my bed.

"I'm trying to get a bird-eye view of the room," she defends herself. "Where. Is. The Bloody. Lipstick?!" she screams once more.

Kate enters the room, drying her hair on a towel. "Woah, what is she doing up there?"

"She's looking for the damn lipstick," I say impatiently, as I put on my leggings.

"Still?" she asks, putting her bra on.

"Still," I shout over the screams of Rachel. "Rachel, calm down for fuck's sake."

"I can't find the damn lipstick," she climbs down the table. She turns her purse upside down, pouring down all the contents in it. A bunch of keys, bills, mascaras, and pens drop on her bed. And condoms. Taste me, I read. I recognize them instantly.

Well. Turns out she has many interests in common with her brother.

"What lipstick are you looking for, again?" Kate asks, doing her jeans.

"Remember the one I got a week before the party?" Rachel replies.

"Oh, right," Kate says. "I have the same one in the same color. You can borrow it if you want."

"Oh my God, really? You're a savior," Rachel exclaims, making her way towards Kate's makeup bag. Jesus. She keeps acting like she doesn't have any other lipsticks.

After another forty minutes of me and Kate waiting and Rachel trying on seventeen different outfits and three different styles of eye makeup, we're finally climbing in Rachel's car.

"When did you get a car?" Kate blurts out.

"I didn't. I stole it from Flynn," she grins.

"You have a license, right?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"Of course," she smiles evilly.

As she starts the engine, I notice a masculine smell in the car. A Flynn-like smell. I miss him, is the first thought that shows up in my mind. I mentally slap myself in disbelief. You can't feel those things, my brain commands.

It has been a week since the incident and I haven't remembered anything new ever since. Maybe it's a good thing that I recall very little of that night. I'm sure it would be traumatizing to remember the whole thing. I did feel ashamed and worried all week after remembering a tiny segment of it, after all.

Now, we are sort of going out on a triple-ish date with Kate and Drew, and Rachel and her current boyfriend, James. They have set me up with a friend of Drew's, whom, I might add, I haven't even met yet.

Rae parks the car in the parking lot of a diner ten minutes away from the dorms. I notice that it is close to Mr. Alton's house. All three of us get out of the car, to meet our 'dates.'

"Hey, baby!" A tall, muscular guy hugs Rachel around the waist, from her back, making her squeal. He has long, black hair, and he is obviously not in high school. Rachel turns around and gives him a kiss. We share glances with Kate as they make out without the tiniest bit of embarrassment.

"Hey there," we hear Drew's calm and friendly voice. I notice Kate's face brighten up at the sight of him. Drew smiles at him and I swear, the love in his eyes is visible. He wraps his arms around Kate, giving a tiny kiss on her cheek.

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