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Songs I listened writing this chapter: 

Little Mix - Move , Avicii - Hey Brother ; One Republic - Stop and Stare , The Cranberries - Zombie , Evanescence - My Immortal , Yiruma - Kiss the Rain

After school, Kate and Rachel doesn't seem to be anywhere near by, so I have to walk alone. I was actually hoping we would be all together, because my thoughts have been bothering me since Mr. Alton's lesson. I still keep questioning who Carmen could be in my mind. I don't know why I'm thinking so much on this. Curiosity is not my thing usually. I don't stick my nose in other people's business. I plug in my earphones to get him out of my thoughts, and zip up my coat. It's September and it's getting colder, especially since we're in England. I have to get some boots, I can't keep wearing Vans and flats all winter. 

As soon as I arrive at the dorms, I climb the stairs and unlock the door. I wonder if Fl- Mr. Alton is going to be here because it's his sister's first day of senior year so he might want to see how it went. I walk inside preparing myself to see him, but instead I find a semi-naked Rachel and a naked bum leaning over her. What the fuck?

"What's going on in here?" I squeak. 

"Oh, oops," Rae giggles. "Could you, like, go to the mall or something," she says biting on her lip. She doesn't have the slightest bit of embarrassment on her face. "I told Kate not to be here but I think she forgot to let you know. But we were really in the middle of something."  

"No!" I say firmly. "I don't want any boys in the room. It's forbidden, how did you get him in anyway?" 

"Uhm, money?" the guy chuckles as a confused expression crosses my face. "We bribed the security, baby," he explains. He turns towards me and I see he's one of the jerks in my English class.

Baby? Baby? I expect Rachel to get mad at him or something for calling me that, but nothing happens. If my boyfriend called my roomie 'darling' I would choke him or something. Not that I know what is it like to have a boyfriend. Rae just giggles and then begs. "Please, Minnie, I won't bring him anymore, just for now," 

I breathe deeply and grab my bag from the floor. "Okay," I say patiently and then add, "I'll be back in two hours I don't want any unexpected visitors." I close the door behind me as I leave. 

I start thinking what to do for two hours in Oxford Street. London is a great place and there are so many things to do but I have no idea what to do here. I open the map from my iPhone to see what's near by. I see there's a vegetarian restaurant and it takes only half an hour to get there if I take the bus. But it's still 4.30pm and I'm not hungry. So I decide to go to a bookstore. It takes two minutes to get there and once I get incide, I sense the peaceful smell of old books. The bell at the top of the door tingles as I open it. It's a small shop, about the same size as our dorm room, but it's full of dark wood racks. The lady behind the desk flashes me a loving smile and says "Welcome dear,"

"Hello," I say smiling back at her. 

"Can I help you?" she asks politely. 

"Oh, I'm just looking for something to read to spend my time."

She smiles gently. "It's been so many time since someone actually came in here to just spend some time. They all go to those huge malls 'modern' bookshops."

"I love it in here," I smile. "It's all cozy."

She chuckles and walks towards a rack. "What kind of book are you looking for?" she asks. 

"Doesn't really matter. I like to try new things."

She pulls a book out of the rack. It's The Little Prince. "I'm sure you've read this."

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