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Songs for this chapter: Little Mix - Little Me (unplugged version) , Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful , Avril Lavigne - Darlin , Bruno Mars - Marry You , James Arthur - Impossible

My mind is swirling with questions. Who is trying to send Rachel to an -apparently- horrible place called Eastcrest? Why is Eastcrest so bad? Why was Mr Alton there? What did Rachel do? Why is he letting Rachel throw a party in his house although he's so overprotective? 

My mind is full of questions all day, and it seems like I can't ask them to anyone.


"Come on, get up!!"

"No!" I groan. I don't want to get up.

"Come on, it's Saturday, let's go buy our outfits for Rae's party!"

"We still have three weeks, Kate!" I really want to be able to sleep for a while.

"Please!" She begs. That's it, I know that even if I try to sleep again, I won't be able to, so I give in.

"Fine!" I throw the green blanket off of me, and get up. I brush my teeth, put some mascara on, throw my hair in a messy bun, wear some jeans and a purple sweater.

"OK, let's go," I say ten minutes after I wake up.

"You're all done?" She asks, obviously surprised.

"Yeah, come on," I say as I put on my shoes.

Taking the bus to the mall, we arrive in ten minutes. We immediately walk in, and Kate starts to jump up and down excitedly.

"We should go over there," she points to a shop with lots of pretty dresses.

I realize the dresses are a little bit too formal for a party, but I can also tell that Kate hasn't been invited to many parties before, so she's really excited for this party. I haven't been to one either, but I've never wanted to, so I'm fine with it. But Kate is an extrovert so she likes being in places like that.

I don't want to upset her, so I just giggle with her, and walk towards the shop.

She finds a purple glittery dress immediately and shows it to me. "What do you think? Is it too formal?" She asks.

"Kinda. It's nice though. You could always try it on. Just for fun," I smile and she happily smiles. I go ahead to a rack and pull out a green dress. "I'll try this one," I say and we both get into trying cabins.

An hour later we're still in the same shop, having fun and trying on fancy dresses.

"I'm hungry," Kate says.

"Kay, lets go to the food court."

I get some Mexican food while she buys Chinese. We meet up in the middle, finding an empty table.

We chat and gossip as we eat, and then we start actually looking for dresses for the party.

"I've heard there are some pretty good stuff over there," I say, pointing to a shop I've seen in a magazine.

"Dude, that's like the best place ever!" She squirms and jumps up and down happily.

I laugh and we head towards the shop. After wandering around in the shop for a while, I have a white dress with floral prints, a pink dress, a yellow dress, and a black one.

I meet Kate next to the fitting rooms. Kate has only one dress in her hand. We both get in rooms. I first try the pink one, and then the others. I don't like any of them, so I just change back. Then I remember I forgot the black one. As I try it on, I realize it's just the perfect dress for me. The top part is black while the skirt part of it is a dark grey. I decide to buy it, and I get out of the cabin after I change back to my clothes.

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