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Jasmine's POV

He shoots me a glare and turns around, walking towards the front of the classroom. As my embarrassment shows on my face, my cheeks reddening, I can't help but stare at his nice behind.

"As I said earlier, I'm Mr. Alton, and I'm going to be teaching you English literature this year. I hope we'll get along well. Any questions before we begin?" He asks, looking around the classroom.

Suddenly every single girl in the classroom raises her hand except me. He points towards a finger, with nails painted in red. "Are you single?" She giggles obviously too flirty.

"Are you?" He replies with a question. He smirks and turns around to the board, just as she attempts to answer him. "Now we can get started if there are no actual questions."

Before I know, the class is over, and we're getting out of the classroom. I check my schedule and realize I don't have any lessons together with Kate today. I quickly walk towards my next class, which is mathematics. My new maths teacher is  of course super annoying. She is a woman with a huge nose, who loves to listen to people gossip, and for some reason, treats the guys better than the girls. 


The school finishes in a couple of hours. I start to walk towards the dorms. I plug in my earphones, hoping to listen to music, but Kate hops right next to me, out of no where. I have to remove my earphones and pause the song soI can hear her out. 

"How was your first day?" she asks cheerfully. 

"Good yet tiring," I say with a smile on my face. "Yours?"

"Not so different than any other day. Oh my God! I'm so excited to finally meet Rachel."

"Who's Rachel?" 

"She's our other roommate!" she chuckles. "Haven't you heard?"

"Uhm... No?" I say unsure.

"She came in this year. She's a senior, just like us. I guess she used to go to a usual school. Though people keep saying she's super cool."

"Oh," I didn't know we'd have another roommate. "Why wasn't she here last night?" I ask, out of curiosity.

"I don't know," she shrugs. "I don't know her any better than you."

We walk all the way back to the dorms. We stop by at a small cafe to buy coffee. But Kate convinces me to buy some food as well, so we end up buying some pistachio macarons along with the coffee.

She unlockes the door as I dig into my bag in search of my phone. My mom must have called me. I hear a guy and a girl talking. What the hell? Did she bring in boys from the first day? I thought that was forbidden! It's high school; not college. I lift my head up to see a guy who's bent down, in search of something in the suitcase, and a very, very familiar nice behind. 

Mr. Alton. 

 What the hell is he doing here? Do teachers check in students here? I mean it could be, since it's still high school, but... he's a guy. Why is a guy teacher checking on girl dorms? Though the boys' dorms are three floors above so... Maybe he was there and decided to visit? But he was leaning down in our new roomies bags. Oh God. Please let him not be her boyfriend! 

Just as I'm trying to decide whether to say hello or not, Kate being Kate, jumps in, saying "Hey there!"

"Hey," she smiles. I realize how beautiful she is with her dark brown hair and green eyes. I can't help but compare her to myself. I know I'm pretty but I hate being so tall and blonde. My mother always taught me to be happy with the way I look, but I've always wished to be a little less taller -about 15-20 cm- and not to be blonde. I would really want to have my hair like hers. She has long wavy hair and she's perfectly at a normal height. Probably something a little more than 1.60 cm. Despite my 1.80 cm height. And huge breasts. Okay, I have to stop picking on myself.

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