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Karmen Carter DeNunez, Kenny DeNunez's older sister. She wasn't that much older. Maybe 1 or 2 years but that was good enough for her. Anyway, ever since they were little, their parents made them do everything together. If Karmen wanted to go to the mall, Kenny would go with her. If Kenny wanted to go blay ball, Karmen would go with him.

They both enjoyed the others company so it's not like they had a problem with the arrangement. Everything was great...until the summer of 1962.

-Karmen's POV-

It was the first week of Summer break. I was happy just finally be out of school. I didn't have too many plans because all my friends were going out of town. But, who needs friends when you have a little brother! My little brother Kenny likes to play baseball with his friends all the time. I would know, I have to watch him. Every. Single. Time. I don't mind though, he's pretty good at it. I know how to play baseball too, but I prefer hockey. (ifykyk)

I was sitting in my room, writing in my journal, when Kenny knocks on the door and says,

"Hey, Karmen. Were going to the lot again today. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, Let me grab my shoes." I reply, closing my book and locking it in my drawer.

I've learned my lesson about leaving it out in the open a long time ago when Kenny asked me what a period was. Which lead to a very awkward conversation with mom and a brief lecture about privacy from dad.

I go grab my shoes and we head out the door. We met the guys the market like always and then went to the lot. I sat in the dugout while they played. Every now and then, I would cheer them on and shout things like, "Let's go Kenny!!" and "If you hit this, you can have my deserts for a week!"

Benny was up to bat and they were playing like usual. Eventually, I noticed there was a kid standing out in the field, by the fence. I've seen him around before, he was new to town. I never actually talked to him though. I don't think I want to if he's just creeping around in the shrubs like that. Seems a bit stalker-ish to me.

I turn my attention back on the game.

"Come on, Benny! Hit em' like he owes you money!" I yell for encouragement, not like he needed it though.

We all watch as the ball flies over the guys in the field and straight to the weird boy standing in the shadows. The ball heads straight for his head and knocks him over. He has on a glove...why not just catch it?

All the boys in the field were laughing, except Benny. I'll admit that he is the most mature out of all of us. I mean, even I chuckled a little bit. The kid brushes himself off and yells,

"Okay, I'll get it!" as he then goes to get the ball.

He must be nervous because he's moving awfully slow.

"Throw the ball back, come on!" Someone yells.

"Yeah, hurry up!" Someone else says.

The kid snatches the ball and almost trips over a dead bush while running away from the fence.

"We are waiting!" Squint's yelled.

Everyone else in the field also started ushering him to throw it back. Benny just stood silently at the bat. The kid tries to fix his stance before he tries to throw the ball. It barely makes it five feet. unlike the rest of the boys, I try to stifle my laughter as I get up from my seat at the dugout and jog up to Benny. By the time I get to him, the Kids already running off. Probably embarrassed.

"Aye, Rodriguez. You know that kid?" I ask him.

"Uh, yeah. no...kinda. He just moved in 'cross the street from me a few weeks ago."



"You should invite him to play."


"Com' on, Rodriguez! He just moved here at the start of summer. The kid probably has no friends. If it was you, you would want someone to give you a chance right?"

"I guess..." He mumbled.

"Sorry, what was that?" I smirk, cupping my hand around my ear.

"Fine, sure! I'll ask him to play tomorrow, k?"

"You're the best!" I say, giving him a quick side hug.

"Could you too stop flirting, your heart eyes are fogging up the field!" Kenny yells.

I roll my eyes as the boys in the field are laughing and teasing.

"Shut it, Kenny! I could dust your ass even in heels!" I say walking back to the dugout.

"OoOoOoOoOo!" the guys say as Kenny rolls his eyes.

Just like that, they're back at there game and i'm back at my book. By the time they finished playing, it was getting dark and we all had to go home for dinner. While walking home, I walk behind everyone else and read my book. I tune out their conversation because it's usually just them being pervy about girls or them talking about more baseball.

-Kenny's POV-


...And that's why you and Jenny wouldn't work out, Ham." Timmy finished.

They were going on about Ham liking some girl name Jenny, I don't even know.

"Speaking of hot girls, what were you and Karmen talkin' about, Benny?" Squints asked

"Nothin' don't worry about it."

"Did you just call my sister hot?" I say.

"Um yeah, Have you seen your sister?!" He says.

We all stop and turn around to look at Karmen, who was nose deep into a book a few feet behind us. Without even looking up, she says,

"Close your mouth boys, you might catch flies. Also, Ham, your 'fly' is down."

We all laugh at Ham as he quickly turns around and zips his pants up. We then start walking again.

"Dude, you got to face it...Your sister's hot!" Bertram says as he places a hand on my shoulder.

I swat him away as Yeah-Yeah says,

"Yeah, yeah. A total babe!"

Before I could say something we had gotten to our house. Karmen was already at the door because she walked through the grass.

"She's not hot, you guys are gross." I say walking up to the door.

When I get inside, I see mom and dad in the kitchen working on dinner and Karmen must have went to her room. I say hi to my parents then go to my room too. About half an hour passed before there's a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say, sitting up in my bed.

When the door opens, I see that it's Karmen.

"Come on Kenny, dinners ready." She then walked out.

We ate dinner together, then desert. And afterwards, we watched a movie then went to bed.

{A/N: This is the end of this chapter :) hope you liked it. I wanted to make the MC more realistic because all of the other sandlot fics I read lowkey made the MC seem like a pick me.

You can not look me in the eye and tell me truthfully that you would not have laughed when smalls got hit with the ball!!!

"Your sister's hot!!"  Benny Rodriguez X OC !!Where stories live. Discover now