Chapter 4

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•Karmen's POV•

I woke up early today. I wanted to check up on Kenny after last night. If I knew he felt that way, I wouldn't have brought it up. No boy is worth losing my brother for.

I wait in the kitchen for my mom to finish breakfast. When she's done, I volunteer to go wake Kenny. I walk up to his room and knock on the door.

"Come in!" He yells.

I open the door and step in.

"Mom says that breakfast is ready."


"Also, I wanted to make sure you weren't mad at me for last night." I say, as he's getting his things ready for baseball.

"Why would I be mad. You asked a question. I gave you my answer.end of discussion." He says, gently brushing past me.

"Alright." I say, following behind him.

We eat breakfast quickly and thank our mom for making it. I tell Kenny to wait outside while I run and get my things. I grab a book and a baseball cap for the sun.

When I get back downstairs, Kenny's playing with the stray again.

"If you keep feeding him and giving him attention, he'll keep coming back." I say, walking past him to the end of the driveway.

"SHE is a good cat. One day I'm gonna ask mom if we can keep her." He says as he joins me at the sidewalk.

We start walking.

"Mom hates cats, especially strays."

"Mom also hates men but she kept dad around so..." Kenny says, causing us both to laugh.

It's nice that he put the Benny thing behind him. I couldn't imagine him staying mad at me.

•Time Skip•

We were at the sandlot, in the middle of a game and Porter was up to bat. I swear that kid never stops talking.

"Hamilton 'The Babe Porter," he said, then continued to do the famous Babe Ruth point which made us all laugh.

"Long-ball Porter. Come on DeNunez!" He yells.

I watch as Kenny finally pitches the ball and Ham strikes.

"You call that pitching, this is baseball not tennis!" Ham tells Kenny. "Give me something I can hit." Ham says. To which, my brother replies,

"All right Ham, this is my heater. I dare you to hit it."

"Com' on Porter!" I yell in encouragement.

Kenny pitches the ball to Ham and he hits it. But, we all watch as the ball flies over the fence and into  Mr.Murtles yard with "The Beast."

As Ham starts running bases, I grab my book and am ready to call it a day.

"Ham, you idiot. Now we can't play no more." Benny says and the rest of the boys join in on the name calling.

"Your sister's hot!!"  Benny Rodriguez X OC !!Where stories live. Discover now