Chapter 3

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•Karmen's Pov•

As we walk into the sandlot, I stay behind with Scott so that he isn't walking alone. We still here the boys conversation and they weren't being to open about the idea of a new player so I try to distract him with some conversation.

"So, Scott, how do you like California so far?"

"It's nice I guess." Is all he says.

I look up to any of the guys for help but none of them are paying attention. We stop a couple of feet behind them.

"They're usually not this mean when you get to know them." I tell Scott, trying to ease the awkwardness between us right now.

"Right." He says, unconvinced.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." I say then I jog up to the boys, next to Benny.

"Come on, Benny man. The kid is a L-7 weenie." Squints says, holding a square to his eye.

"Yeah, Yeah. Oscar Mayer even. Foot long! Dodger dog! A weenie!" Yeah-Yeah yells to Scott, causing the group (minus me and Benny) to laugh.

"Come on Rodriguez, you gotta do something. I'm dying back here!" I whisper-yell to Benny.

"What are you laugh at Yeah-Yeah, you run like a duck." Benny says back, causing everyone but Yeah-Yeah to laugh.

"Okay, okay, but im-" he starts but Benny cuts him off.

"Part of the game, right?" I just look at him with a proud smile.

"Hmm, yeah." Yeah says.

"Now how come he don't get to be?"

"Cause he's a geek man, a geek." Bertram says.

"He can't catch." Timmy says.

"Man base up, you block heads." Benny says, turning around towards Scott.

I turn around with him and we walk to Scott.

"You really think you can teach him?" I whisper to Benny.

"I don't know."

"I hope this goes well."

"Me too."Benny says as we finally reach Scott.

"Good luck." I say then I head to the dugout where I sit to watch.

I watch as Benny talks to Scott for a minute. As Benny turned to walk to bat, Scott ran and stood in left field. He then yelled,

"Here?" To which, Benny turned around and replied,

"That's left. I said left center." Although Scott was nodding, he was still confused.

"Okay, where exactly is that?"

"It's over there man." Benny says, pointing to the right spot on the field.

"Okay, right," Scott then ran to the right spot, "Here?" He asked.

Benny then gave Scott a thumbs up and tight lip smile, as he jogged up to bat.

"Your sister's hot!!"  Benny Rodriguez X OC !!Where stories live. Discover now