Chapter 11

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Karmen's Pov

After all that's happened between me and my brother, I knew that we had a lot to work on. We're getting older. And, as sad as it may be, we won't always be together. That being said, during breakfast the next day, I made Kenny promise me no matter the circumstance that we'd have each other's back. Even if we're apart. 

Though he agreed with no hesitation, I have a suspicion that he actually doesn't know what "circumstance" means and just wanted to enjoy his cereal. 

After breakfast, I took a quick shower and got dressed for the day. The boys collectively decided that they should take a break from ball for a while. In reality, half of the group is sick like a dog. With all the newly acquired free time, I decided to take my bike out and enjoy the nice weather. 

As I'm probing through my closet, trying to find a shirt that didn't bore me. I finally found a decent one and slipped it on. As I'm smoothing out the wrinkles in the mirror, someone knocks on my door. I walk over and open it. To my surprise, it was my dad. 

"Hey Caramel, can you come downstairs for a minute." He tried to hide the nervous look on his face behind a soft smile. 

"Um... sure. I'll be right there." 

After he walked away and I was sure that he had gone downstairs I ran to Kenny's room. You can imagine my surprise when he wasn't there. That could only mean that he was already downstairs. We must be having a family meeting. 

A Denunez family meeting is never about good news like a new puppy or a surprise pregnancy. They usually range from budget cuts, to deaths within the family. I feel my nerves build up as I slump down the stairs. Thoughts race across my mind. When was the last time i'd spoken to grandma? 

When I reach the family room, I see my mom sitting legs crossed on the love seat while my dad sits beside her on the arm. Across from them, on our longer sofa, was Kenny. He looked just as lost. I hesitantly walked over to sit next to Kenny. After a moment of painful silence, our mom finally spoke. 

"Now before we tell you, we want you that the choice is a hundred percent up to you and we are ok with whatever you decide. We know that you two are very close and we don't want to break the precious bond you two have-" She was rambling

"Honey." Our dad placed a comforting hand onto her shoulder to put her back on track.

"Right, sorry. That is why we wanted to discuss this as a family."

Kenny and I share a concerned look before I ask,

"Mom, what are you talking about? What's going on?"

It was their turn to share a look. After an approving nod from my mom, my dad continued explaining.

"Well Karmen, we understand that you've been having a rough summer. we noticed how happy you seemed when you were with your grandmother. And well, she just bought a house in Minneapolis that has plenty of room. and we checked it out and the schools are pretty great-"

"Are... you saying you want me to live with Grandma Kate?" I was baffled. 

"No!" my mother quickly jumped in, "We aren't saying you want you to leave, sweety. We just want you to be happy. Even if that happiness isn't here in California."

"You don't have to answer right now. Take some time to think about it." My dad offers a small smile but I couldn't bring myself to return it.  

I could feel Kenny's eyes burning into the side of my head as I sat in silence. The room suddenly felt small. and the silence was suffocating. I had to get out. I needed to think.

"Can I take a walk? You know, to think." I say finally finding the voice to speak.

"Of course honey. Whenever you're ready, we'll be here." My Mother also smiles. I simply stood up and walked out of the front door. On my way out I could hear Kenny stand up as well. I knew it wouldn't be long before he joined me.

I took the limited moment of silence before he caught up with me to think about the offer. I mean, it's not like I'm depressed or anything. I just had one bad summer... and I guess there was that thing with Jenny last year. On the other hand, I really did have fun with Grandma Kate when I visited. But is it worth leaving Kenny? and what about everyone else?... What about Benny? We just started dating and I already might leave.

"Don't tell me you're actually considering this?" I hadn't even realized that Kenny had caught up so soon. 

"No.. I mean... I don't know." I shrug.

"Karmen, are you really unhappy here?"

"I don't know, Kenny. I love you guys and all but I just feel like there's something missing. Maybe I should just try it out? I'd still be able to visit during breaks."

"What about Benny? Aren't you guys happy?"

"Yes! I just... I don't know."

There was long silence as we walked the streets of our quaint little neighborhood. I started to forget that he was even there until he spoke again.

"I want you to stay."


"Let me finish, Karmen. I want you to stay, BUT I will support you with whatever you choose. If you think you'll be happier living with Grandma Kate then who am I to stop you. I just want you to be happy."

"Thanks Kenny. That was only mature of you."

"And if you do choose to leave, I finally get the bigger room!" He added.

I lightly shove his shoulder as we laugh together.

We fall into a more comfortable silence as we continued to walk. We had no idea where we were going but we just kept laughing together and enjoying each other's company. I have to admit it, If I do decide to leave I'm going to miss these little moments. 


A/n: Alright ik its been a long time but bare with me. Ya girl got a job now!! I'm a working woman. 

Anywho, this is a filler chapter but it is important so I hope you took notes cause this WILL be on your final. 

I'm sensing a fight coming in the near future. Stay tuned!!!

LOve you all, thanks for the reads and votes!!! MUAHHH <33

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