Chapter 10

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As Karmen walked into the kitchen, she noticed Kenny sitting at the counter. She was still very angry at him but she knew that she had to put her own feelings to the side for the sake of her friends. Quietly, she took a seat next to him, not sparing him a glance.

"How's your ankle?" Her tone was dry, emotionless even.

"It's fine, it doesn't even hurt." He murmured.

"Can you play on it?"

"Yeah. I didn't think you guys would want me to play after what happened." He admits.

"Philip challenged us to a game tomorrow. we need our pitcher." Was the last thing she said before heading upstairs and into her room.

Kenny nods as she walks away. He wanted to go after her and talk to her but he didn't know what to say. This is the longest they have ever been on bad terms. I mean, of course it's only been a few hours. But, to them, that was a really long time.

The next day--- (Karmen's Pov)

The walk to the parking lot was silent. But, not the comfortable quiet that we were used to. The silence was almost unbearable. It's not that I didn't want to talk to him, I just didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to express my anger toward him in a way that he would understand. He was being selfish and inconsiderate.

When we got to the parking lot, everyone else had already been there. As we got close, their conversation died down. Their eyes moved between me and my brother repeatedly. I tilt my head and cross my arms. I wanted to speak what Kenny beat me to it.

"What are you all staring at?"

Immediately, they look away. After a moment, they start up conversation as if everything were normal. We still had time to kill so we collectively decided to practice at the lot. The walk was surprisingly comfortable. We laughed and joked as if yesterday never happened. I walked behind the group with Smalls, telling him the whole story about why we hate Philips.

Even our practice runs went smoothly. I was confident that we might actually win this thing.

And we did.

(A/N: I'm not gonna write the whole game scene lmao)

We beat Philips' team so bad, i'm pretty sure I saw one of them crying! As we walked off the field together, cheering and celebrating, Someone had suggested we go to the county fair.

"I think imma sit this one out. You guys have fun!" I politely decline.

The boys let out groans and sighs of disappointment.

"What? Com' on Karmen, you gotta go! We can't celebrate without you!" Benny protests, throwing an arm over my shoulder.

"Benny's right. You should come, it'll be fun!" Kenny says, appearing on the other side of me.

He had a smile on his face that felt nostalgic. For a second, it felt like nothing had changed. I liked this feeling. I wish everyday could be like this one.

"It's fine, i'm not a fan of fairs anyway." I shrug nonchalauntly.

Both Kenny and Benny look at me then at each other. It was as if they were holding an entire conversation with only their eyes. Which, probably went something like this

"You know she's lying right?"

"Yeah, I know."

"You gonna say something?"



And just like that, they drop the subject. We all parted ways as we went to our own homes so that they could get ready. The day flew by and before I knew it, it was time for Kenny to leave. I was sitting in my room, watching tv when he came and knocked on my door.

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