Chapter 2

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A/n: anything inside these "( )" are kinda like Karmen's unsaid thoughts and comments!

•Karmen's POV•

The next day, I was woken up by my mom knocking on the door.

"Karmen, honey. Get up and come eat breakfast before the eggs get cold."

"Coming mom!" I replied as I hopped out of bed.

A little too quick, might I add, considering I fell.

"What was that?" I hear my dad ask from down the hall.

"Nothing! I- uh... I dropped my... Lamp?" I say, not wanting him to know I fell.

My dad is like, super protective over me. One time I got stung by a bee on my leg and my dad made me where a leg brace for a month. Even made we where it to school. If he found out I was being clumsy this early in the morning, I would never be able to leave the house today. And if I can't leave, then Kenny can't leave and I don't want that to happen.

"Are you hurt, do you need help?" He asked, getting closer to the door.

"No, Dad. I'm fine, I promise."

"Ok just, be careful!" He said, then started mumbling something about the lights as he walked away.

Once that conversation was over, I went to my closet and picked out an outfit for the day. I just went with a tank top and some jean shorts that go down to my knees. I brushed my hair into a ponytail and went downstairs, shoes in hand.

By the time I got to my plate, half of my eggs were gone and I was missing a strip of bacon.

"Kenny, did you take my bacon?"

"Karmen, yes I did. Ya snooze, ya loose big sis." My brother answered as he walked out of the room.

I sigh and began eating. During breakfast, I put my shoes on so that when I was done, we could head to the shop with the boys. I finished eating and washed my plate off (mom was just going to make me do it later anyway so why not). Then I went to look for Kenny. I finally found him outside, playing with a stray cat.

"Kenny, what did mom say about you playing with strays, they might have fleas. Or worse!" I say, walking up to him.

"Oh come on, you don't actually believe that do you?"

"Doesn't matter if I believe it or not, just don't wanna get in trouble. Now, let's go. You know Benny likes to start super early." I say walking down the driveway.

"Don't wanna keep your boyfriend waiting?" My brother replies, sarcastically.

"He's not my boyfriend! And, you should be lucky I'm gracing you all with my presence. Not like any of you know how to talk to girls in the first place."

"Yeah, whatever..." He says, then mumbles something under his breath.

The walk was short, us making jokes every now and then. I didn't bring a book or anything because I was thinking about playing a little bit this time, or at least pay attention to the game a little.

When we got to the store, Ham, Yeah-Yeah, and Bertram were already there. Meaning, we were only waiting on The Timmons, Squints, and Benny.

"Hey guys." I wave to the three boys then go and sit on a bin closest to the door, like always.

"Your sister's hot!!"  Benny Rodriguez X OC !!Where stories live. Discover now