(1) A Dark Prologue

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TWs: Death, Descriptions of Fire and being taken away.

4 years ago.

Tommy POV:

June 8th, 2017. The day my life went to hell. We lived in a bungalow, I'm pretty sure. I was two at the time so I don't remember much but I think we lived in a bungalow. Anyway back to the story.

It was an ordinary day, but that is the case for most stories that end in tragedy. I was obviously being an annoying toddler, running around the house, making it tricky for my mum and dad to do anything they needed, but I didn't care. I was two, I didn't know better.

We were never the richest, I do remember hearing my mum and dad once arguing over their money situation but they stopped as soon as they heard their precious little crying from his cot across the room. 

After a while of running around our small home, as the little kid I was, I got tired and ended up falling over face first causing me to cry out in pain. My mum rushed over to me and picked me up from the ground and I snuggled into her shoulder, sobbing in pain still. She rocked me up and down for a while until I had stopped.

"You're okay, pumpkin (that was my nickname that she created for me), you're okay, you're my big strong man, aren't you?"

"Yeah!" I squealed, in my cute baby voice.

"Yes you are"

"Mumma?" I whispered but she could still hear me.

"Yes, pumpkin?" she responded, lifting up my tiny head so we were eye to eye.

"I tired" I answered in my baby talk, causing a small yawn to escape my small mouth, an action that if anyone saw would make them go aww. 

"Okay, I guess its bed time for you then, come on". She carried my to my small bedroom that had my small cot in. She placed me on a changing table and grabbed my dinosaur onesie, my favourite. 

She helped me change into the onesie. After I was done changing she picked me back up and placed me in my cot and covered me up with my favourite blankie.

"Goodnight pumpkin, I love you"

Were the last words I ever heard from her.


I woke up in the middle to the smell of smoke filling my bedroom. I steadied myself and stood up on my tiny legs in my cot.

"Mumma, Dada" I said, starting to cry.

"Mumma, Dada" I repeated, louder this time, now starting to sob.

"Mumma!! Dada!!" I screamed as loud as possible.

After a few more seconds of crying, I saw my bedroom door open and my dad enter looking panicked.

My dad rushed around my bedroom going through draws and collecting clothes and toys.

"Dada, What happening?" I shouted, still crying.

"Nothing, mate, you just going somewhere for a little while" he replied still rushing to fill up a bag full of essentials for me. He quickly finished filling up the bag and came over to my cot and pick me up and out of it.

"Oh, are you coming dada and..." I started, until I realised there was no Mumma.

"Umm" my dad looked to my bedroom door noticing the flames starting to enter the room and more smoke starting to come in. "I'll try". My dad proceeded to open my bedroom window as far as it would go, the gap was just big enough for me and the bag to fit through but not my dad, he knew it was the end for him but he would do anything to save me. So he put his crying two year old son through the window to safety and then the bag before closing the window and accepting.

I watched as my dad mouthed one last 'I love you' to me before being swallowed up by the flames. I started to scream and sob on the ground and I stayed there until I was picked up and hugged by someone, a police officer. The police officer carried me and the bag away to a car and set me and the bag down in the backseat, making sure I was secure and safe in the vehicle.

The whole trip to what I now know is the orphanage, I didn't stop crying and I didn't stop looking out of car window in hopes of seeing my Mumma and Dada again.

Present day. June 8th 2021.

At six years old, I still relive that nightmare almost every night.

The End of Chapter 1.

Note: Hope you enjoyed. This is the start of my new SBI story after I decided to discontinue my other one due to my bad writing. I already prefer this one and I have all 20 chapters planned out so hopefully I will keep to my word and actually update. If you enjoyed this, please vote and maybe leave a review. Constructive criticism would help. Thank you.

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