(4) Is this house haunted?

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TWs: Small Panic Attack

Kristen's POV:

There's the noise again. The sound of footsteps going from upstairs of the house to the kitchen and back again. Every night for the past week the sound has been happening starting with the first night Tommy got here, ever since he has been a nervous wreck around us, probably nervous we are going to do something to him, not surprised, what some parents do to their children is crazy. Imagine hurting a small, helpless child just because they didn't get a perfect score on a test at school.

The sound was stopping my ability to sleep and it's driving me mad and it has to stop so I was finally going to go and investigate. At first I thought it was just Wilbur or Techno getting a drink at night as they both stay up very late due to streaming, but when I always found a mass amount of food missing from the pantry, I knew it was something else. Maybe Tommy?

"I hope he doesn't feel the need to have to steal food when he could do ask for it" I thought.

The footsteps were currently in the kitchen so this was the perfect time to see what was going on.

Tommy POV:

I knew it was bad that I have been stealing food from these people but I was just keeping the food as reserves for just in case they start to starve me or something. I've heard stories of that happening from kids at the orphanage, so I was being smart. I've been doing it every night since I got here, coming down to the kitchen, grabbing as much food as I could carry and rushing back upstairs to my room before anyone finds out.

But luck was not on my side tonight?

As I headed into the pantry and grabbed the first packet of walkers ready salted crisps, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I quickly bolted out of the pantry rushing to hide behind the kitchen island before I got caught. I knew if I got caught I would be in serious trouble. This people wouldn't hit me, surely not, right?

"Hello?". The voice was quiet clearly trying not to wake anyone up but I could hear it. It was definetely a female's voice so it must be Kristen.

I saw the light to the kitchen turn on, it blinded my so I quickly covered my eyes but accidently made a noise of pain whilst doing so.

"Tommy?" Kristen asked. Oh no, I'm caught. I thought. 

I peeked my small head out of the side of the kitchen table so Kristen could see me.

"Please don't hit me" I whimpered quietly, starting to panic as she started to move closer to me.

"Why would I hit you? We're not like other parents" she saw that I was panicking and quickly picked me up. She bounced softly to calm me down as I sat in her arms, my head in the crook of her neck.

After a few minutes I had calmed down and she started to talk.

"So, why have you been stealing food?" she asked with me still in her arms, gently pushing my head back so we could see each others eyes.

"I heard from kids at, at the orphanage that their parents would starve them and not give them food" I replied with a soft voice as usual, I was a long way from puberty. As soon as I finished I saw a frown and a pitiful look in her eyes. Oh no, did I do something wrong?

"Hey Tommy" she said, taking me out of my thoughts and making me look back at her as I was looking at the large square painting that hung next to the stairs, it was a painting that featured Wilbur and Techno as little kids standing, Techno with a sword in his hand and Wilbur with a guitar, and Phil and Kristen standing over them side hugging each other.

"You don't have to worry about food, we would never ever think about doing that to anyone, especially you" she finished. I gave her a small nod and smile, proceeding to lean my head back into the crook of her neck letting a yawn escape my lips.

Kristen carried me back to my room and placed me onto my bed, tucking me in tightly but not too tight. Before she left she gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and said "You're safe here, I promise you" and I let out one last smile before falling into a peaceful slumber for the first time in four years.

The End of Chapter 4.

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