(18) Epilogue

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10 years later:

We shall start with the eight friends. They all live in a set of flats together to make sure they all stay close together. They all spent the last year working part time jobs to earn enough money to move and finally they have. Eret and Foolish share a flat. Aimsey, Billzo, Freddie share one. Tommy has one to himself, which he is very happy about, and finally Ranboo and Tubbo share one.

Tommy, Eret and Foolish have all started to stream whilst the others are more focused on school.

Lets move onto Wilbur. He had his kid with Sally, but they broke up after he figured out that she cheated on him with a dude called Jared. Fundy is now ten years old and trans. Wiburs doing fine but has his down moments from time to time.

Techno. Uhm Techno. Not much to say about him really. He hasnt changed at all in ten years. He still streams, keeps telling everyone about a potato war that he is in with a squid kid.

Phil and Kristen are both still happily married but are both sad that they no longer have any children to raise so they have been thinking of fostering again.

Ranboo's parents are still as bad as ever, maybe even worse. But enough about them.

Life is good for everyone. At least for now.

The End.


I shut my journal and set it down on my desk just in time to hear my flat door open. I walk out off my small office space to see my roommate.

"Time to plan a wedding!" He announced.

Note: There you go. The End of Why do you love me?. Hope you enjoyed, I certainly enjoyed writing it. The first two chapters off the sequel are now up, I hope you enjoy it.

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