(20) The Day they met Micheal

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TWs: Swearing (sorry if I missed any)

Ranboo POV:

One month after the wedding.

It was ordinary day, well at least it was supposed to be. The plan was simple for the day. Me and Tubbo were going to go to see Phil and Kristin, then go to the park to have fun for a little while before going to the supermarket to get food. Just an ordinary day, no surprises and certainly no finding little kids.

I wake up, the sun flowing through the curtains in my bedroom. Slowly, I swing my legs over the side of my bed to go up into a sitting position, yawning and rubbing my eyes was the next step. Exiting my room I see Tubbo already in the kitchen searching for anything in the cupboards and the fridge but from the look on his face it seemed his mission was unsuccessful, hence why we needed to go shopping.

"Hey Tubbo" I say as I sleepily walking over to the kitchen.

"Hey Ranboo, my husband" He replies looking over at me with a smile.

"I'm not actually your husband friendo, its just for the money remember and as soon as we can get proper jobs we can divorce and you can properly marry someone" I respond sitting down in a chair.

"Yes I know, I know". I get up from the chair and go grab a cup of coffee, one of the few things we still had in the apartment.

As I finish making the coffee and go to drink it, I hear Tubbo start to speak. "So, for most people after marriage comes having a child" I knew he was joking but I still spat out the coffee in my mouth.

"Shut up Tubbo" I shot back, sort off harshly.

"Why though, I've done nothing wrong" Tubbo responds. As he finishes talking there was knock at the door, so I quickly put down my cup and walk over to the door talking to Tubbo.

"Tubbo, you need to stop this, this is a platonic marriage for money which means no kids and no-- oh hello Tommy" I open the door to reveal Tommy, who had a slightly shocked look on his face, he must have heard what me and Tubbo were talking about.

"Why the hell are you two talking about?" Tommy asks as he walks into the apartment and sits straight onto the sofa.

"Just about having kids, you know, the usual" Tubbo answers looking a me with a big grin, slightly scary looking.

"Yeah, the usual" Tommy says with obvious sarcasm.

"Tubbo's just been wierd this morning, acting like we are a real couple" I tell Tommy and he just laughs in response.

"Technically, you are married, whether it is platonic on not, you two are still husbands and a couple". Tommy said between loud laughs.

"Jesus Christ" I mumble to myself, 'what did I get myself into'.


We were at Phil and Kristins with one mission in mind, to start to pay them back for the wedding costs.

"I'm just saying it might be a good idea, considering that all our kids have moved out now" Me and Tubbo hear Kristin say as we enter the large house.

"Hello, Phil and Kristen!" I shout into the house hoping they could hear me, they did.

"Oh, hello, Tubbo and Ranboo, what can we do for the husbands" Phil says as he greets us, I groan internally at what he said at the end.

"Do say that word, Ranboo hates it" Tubbo tells Phil and Kristin as we walk into the kitchen.

"Oh, okay, well what do you guys want?" Kristin asks us and I pull out an envolope from my pocket.

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