(24) The First Words

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Note: I cant believe that the day after I write a chapter of this story, where Ranboo says "I'm not gay", he comes out as gay.

 Like seriously, what are the chances.

Like I had a feeling he was gay, considering he talked about Paul Rudd for like an hour on stream once and obviously all the other times he talked about men, but we respected his boundaries and he played us like the riddler (ha, get the reference).

 Cool for him though, hes officialy apart of the 83% now.

On that note from now on in my stories his character will be gay, but nothing will really change.


TWs: Hopefully good fluff, Swearing

Ranboo POV:

"Bee no sad"

Me and Tubbo look at each other with shocked faces.

"What the fuck?" I see Tubbo mouth silently.

"Hey, Micheal, bud, can you go to the living room for a minute?" I ask Micheal and he quickly nods in response and climbs down from Tubbo and runs off.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked Tubbo who still looked shocked.

"Okay, so maybe it is selective mutism, so he speaks when he wants to, or maybe he is just comfortable around us" Tubbo responds.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right but I was expecting it to take longer for him to speak" 


A month has passed since Micheal spoke those words and he was slowly progressing he could say a mixture of words now like "Bee", "Boo", "Sad", "Happy", and some others. He still some times refused to say anything but it was definetely progress over the past month.

Everyday when we went to school, he spent the day with Phil and Kristen, who have made progress in their own right and are planning on actually fostering another kid.

Me, Tubbo and Micheal were currently setting up for a movie night with our friends, as we rarely spend time with each other outside of school even though we all live in the apartment block. Wilbur and Fundy were also coming to the movie night but Wilbur was mainly coming just to watch out for Fundy and Tommy dont do anything stupid.

Wilbur still doesn't trust Tommy even though he lives in his own apartment and hasn't burnt it down...yet.


It was about an hour of setting up, which involved cleaning the apartment, hoovering, and making snacks, before our friends started to show up at the door.

"Hi mates!" I say as I welcome all our friends, including Wilbur and Fundy, into the apartment.

I close the door behind them and walk back to the tv room where everyone was already sat and talking.

Nothing can go wrong tonight...right?

The End of Chapter 24.

Note: Sorry for the short, filler chapter. Just needed to carry on the plot so there is more of a contnuation to the next chapter which will be very heavy and hopefully quite long. Hope you enjoyed anyway.

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