(2) A Man and his two Sons

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TWs: Depression, Crying, Mention of death, fire and Abuse.

Tommy POV:

It happened again, another night and another set of tears pouring out of my small six year old. I was lying on my creaky, uncomfortable orphanage bed crying to myself like I do nearly every night. What happened four years ago has never left me. I would always have to relive the fire and death over and over and it never stops and I'm pretty sure it never will. I am six years old and I have to put up with it. The orphanage at least had nice people in considering the four years I have been here, I have never been chosen to be fostered. So for the past four years I have been stuck in a cramped room with only a small bed, a tiny set of drawers for clothes and a little basket that is home for my toys that I got from the first two years of my life, before everything went to hell.

I was currently wearing my favourite dinosaur onesie that surprisingly still fits me, I am very small for my age. I rarely wear any other clothes to bed. Almost every night I would wear my onesie just so I can feel closer to my parents again. 

I was laying on my bed crying for a while before I heard my room door click open. I quickly looked up towards it, wiping the tears out of my eyes so my vision wasn't as blurry. Once the door was fully open I saw a small figure. After a couple of seconds the small figure ran up to me, it was purpled, my only friend in the orphanage. 

"Hey Purpled" I said in my high child voice, trying to be as energetic as possible so Purpled wouldn't be worried about me.

"Hi Tommy" Purpled replied adding a small wave as well. He climbed up onto my bed struggling a bit as he was smaller than me but older by a couple of months.

"What do you want Purpled?" I asked in a polite and friendly tone, most things I say though come out as more of a squeak as I am so young and I once inhaled so much smoke that it messed up my throat so everything I say is in an even higher pitch than when other kids talk.

"I've good news" Purpled pronounced, waving his hands about to add drama, it did not work.

"Oh, what is it?" I perked up, suddenly interested.

"There's a family coming tomorrow to adopt someone from our age gap" He announced in a very excited tone like a child on Christmas. He then jumped of my bed and started to jump up and down, he was clearly excited at the thought of getting out off here.

"Oh!" My mood suddenly went from a hundred to none, I knew what this meant. I get my hopes up and then when the time comes and I don't get chosen, I run to my room and cry my eyes out because I think it is my fault I don't get chosen.

I felt my eyes start to tear up again but I try my best to hold them back but as I am a weak little child I fail miserably like everything else I do and start to cry. 

Purpled knows about what I do every time a family comes to foster/adopt. So as soon as he saw my start to cry he instantly tried to console me and make me feel better.

"Hey, no, don't cry, maybe you will be lucky this time" he said in his cute, high pitched voice as always. He tried his best to make me feel better but it didn't work so he just sat with me until I stopped crying, which only took a few minutes.

"Ahh, now I'm tired" I said as soon as I stopped crying, to which Purpled laughed and got back off my bed.

"Get some sleep then, then in the morning at least one of us can hopefully get out of here" Purpled announced, I started to lay down getting under the thin blankets.

"Yeah, hopefully" I giggled now trying to get to sleep. After a few seconds I heard the door start to creak close. "Goodnight Purpled" I yawned and smiled but still keeping my eyes closed.

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