(29) The Birth Mother

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TWs: Homophobia, Swearing, Use of F-Slur

Ranboo POV:

Me and Tubbo finally did it. Celebrations were in order as we had officially adopted Micheal. It was only a week before me and Tubbo would be going to college and Micheal would be going to primary school and we thought it would be the perfect choice to do it now.

We had everyone over to the apartment to celebrate and nothing could go wrong but obviously it did.

About an hour into the party, when I was drinking some lemonade, there was a knock at the door. Being the thirsty person I was, I brought the cup with me. That would turn out to be a big mistake.

I opened the door to reveal a woman, dressed in virtually all black, definetely looked depressed and desperate for something. We stared at each other for a few seconds before I finally spoke up.

"Helloooo?" I made the hello last longer than normal to make my point that she was ruining the fun.

"Where is my child?" I was literally acting like a drunk person and I don't know why. I just laughed in her face and went to close the door but she stopped me by putting a firm grip on my wrist.

"Where is he?" She threatened.

"Where is who, I don't know who you are talking about, miss" As soon as I finished my sentence the voice of Micheal came into my ears.

"Whos at the door, papa" Micheal said as he ran over to me before spotting who was at the door and stopping in his tracks.

I look back to the woman confused, to see her smiling at Micheal. Like she knew him?

"Hello Micheal, come on, it's time to go home" The woman said with a slightly creepy tone like she was a villan in a marvel film.

"I'm confused, are you here for Micheal" I ask before I quickly realise the situation. My eyes go wide as I realise who this must be.

Micheal's birth mother.

"Yes I am, hes my son after all, he needs to come home" I look to Micheal to see him slowly backing away and shaking his head, truly terrified at the sight of his birth mother.

"Okay, miss, it is clear he doesn't want to go with you, so how about you leave and leave my family alone" I warn her but she just answered with a slap to the face.

"Ranboo, whats going on?" I hear Tubbo say, I look to see everyone staring at the situation at hand with shock.

"Uhm, this seems to be Micheal's birth mother and she is trying to take him" I respond, getting a harsh glare from the mother.

"You stole him from me and I have been searching for months for him and now that I have found him, I am not leaving without him" I see Kristin pick up Micheal into her arms to calm him. I smile at her in thanks.

"We didn't steal him at all, he was on the street all alone and muddy, so we took him in and no one came to get him so we kept him" Tubbo tells her.

"So what you are telling me is that you two are his new 'parents'" she did the word parents in speech marks.

"Yes" I say in response. She scowls her nose in disgust.

"I'm not having two faggots raising my son" She walks past us to try and get to Micheal but gets stopped by Techno, as he blocked her path.

She slapped him in anger but he didn't even flinch. Even I was impressed by that.

"Get the fuck out of the way!" She shouts and he responds with a monotone "No".

"He's my son, you guys can't do anything to stop me!" She continues to scream at us. I quickly went and grabbed the adoption papers.

I walked back to where everyone was standing, the mother was still trying to get past Techno but he was budging.

"He's my son!" She screams again.

"Actually he isn't" I speak up and she turns to face me with pure anger radiating off her.

"What did you just say?" She gritted her teeth. I passed her the papers.

We watched as she read the papers in annoyance and disgust.

"What are these?" She scrunches her nose. She definetely knew what they were but she was stalling.

"They are adoption papers, me and Tubbo here, just adopted him, thats actually why there are so many people here right now" I finish and she drops to her knees and starts to cry.

'Jesus Christ'

"Okay, time to go now" Wilbur says before he and Techno drag her out of the apartment and out of our lives.


We continue to party but I couldn't help but continue to think about the birth mother.

'She seemed genuinely sad about this whole situation, which doesn't make sense if she abandonned her child' I quickly get those thoughts away and I try my best to be as happy and energetic as possible.

For my friends, For my family.

The End of Chapter 29.

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