(23) The Death of a Father

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TWs: Death, Mentions of Child Abandonment

Note: By the way if a sentence or a selection of words are embedded with '. It means it is someones thoughts.

Tubbo POV:

Why? Just Why?

I was minding my own business, an ice pack resting on the back off my head, tissues plugged up my nose, until Phil called me.

"Tubbo?" I hear Phil call from the other room, I lay the ice pack onto the kitchen island and leave the room to see what was up.

"Yeah?" I respond so he knows he has my attention.

"Who's Schlatt?". There it is, my whole world starts to crmble around me, the name alone crushes me.

"Wh--Why?" I manage to stutter out.

"You have a letter from someone called Schlatt, are you okay?" Phil answers. 'Great now Phil is concerned for me, I need to regain coposure.'

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I spoke out quickly, I look around the room, clearly no one brought it.

"Uhm, okay then, here you go, do with it what you wish" Phil passes me the letter from my da--, Schlatt.

I walk back into the kitchen with the letter in hand and quickly pick the ice pack back up, placing it onto my head. 'My head is killing me'.

I sit there for a few minutes looking at the envolope, contemplating what I should do with it. Put in the bin, maybe. Burn it, maybe a bit too extreme. I'm taken out of my thoughts by Ranboo as he walks up to me and sits down next to me.

It was silent for a while before I decided to break the silence between the two of us.

"So, how was Micheals day, did he have fun?" I ask Ranboo but all I get is a nod in return. "Why are you not talking?" I ask.

"I have never seen you get so terrified in such a quick amount of time, than I did out there" Ranboo speaks, clear concern in his voice and I slowly nod my head in understanding.

"Who is Schlatt exactly?" Ranboo questions turning to face me. I debate whether to answer him or not for a minute.

"He's my birth father" I croak out quietly and Ranboo eyes went wide in realisation.

"So you mean, he was the one who left you in the box and abandonned you" I nod. "Jesus Christ, that letter must be important if he sent it to you" I nod again. Maybe I should open it.

We sit in silence again, until I build up the courage to finally open the envolope, revealing the letter and opening the folded piece of paper. It read.

Dear Toby.

If you are reading this then I am dead. I was writing this letter to say that I am sorry and to explain why I did what I did. After your mother passed, we were always tight on money, I could barely feed you, I wanted to be a dad who brought you the things you wanted or needed but I couldn't and I knew that I probably always wouldn't be able to. I knew that other people would give you the life that you deserved so I reluctantly let you go and left you in a box.

I'm sorry, very sorry for what I did to you. And now it is too late to even try and make it up to you. A few years ago I came into some money and I thought that maybe I could find you and finally give you the perfect, but once I found where you lived, I saw through the window just how happy you were now and I couldn't take that away from you.

So just know that I never left you cause I didn't love you, it was just that I couldn't raise you.

Your birth father, Schlatt.

As I finish reading the letter, Ranboo watching over me reading it as well, I place the paper back down onto the kitchen island and isntantly put my face in my hands. Ranboo quickly pulls me into a hug which I quickly return.

We stay in the hug for a while until I see Micheal enter the room out of the corner of my eye. The five year old pulls himself up onto my knee to join the hug, me and Ranboo both smile at the boy

"Bee no sad"


The End of Chapter 23.

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