(22) Old Bullies

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TWs: Blood, Fighting, Violence, Slight Panic Attack, Slight homophobia, Swearing (sorry if I missed any)

Ranboo POV:

The Eight of us turn our heads to look at the source of the voice. Three boys stood trying to look menacing but sort of failed. I look around at the other seven and they all looked shocked.

I wonder who these three people are?

"What do you three want, I thought that we got rid off you guys ten years ago?" Tommy asked, vemon etched into his voice as he spoke.

"Haha, you cant get rid off the dream team?" The what I assumed leader replied, causing the other two to laugh. "And we are here to get revenge on you for getting us expelled all those years ago".

"You guys got yourselves expelled" Eret defended, the dream team just laughed at them.

"Very funny Eret, who is this guy anyway, haven't seen him before?" The leader questioned as he pointed to me.

"Hi, I'm Ranboo, I don't have a clue what is going on" I answered as cheerfully as possible but I could tell that these three weren't great people so I didn't want to risk making friends with them or enemies for that matter.

"Oh, Ranboo is it, just another person I get to beat up" The leader scarily. I gulped. I may be tall but I am not strong at all, this guy could definetely take me in a fight.

"You're not beating anyone up, theres eight of us, only three of you, we would beat you instantly in a fight" Tommy spoke.

"Well, Tommy, that's where you are wrong mate" The leader whistled and almost immediately three more people came over like a pack of wolves. "So lets do introductions shall we. This is Punz, this is Sam and this is Corpse"

We are fucked.


Punches, slaps, kicks were being thrown everywhere from both groups. Blood was spilling out of peoples noses and mouths. Bruises forming on arms and faces. Black eyes were sure to come in the future.

It was about ten minutes of constant fighting, I would say, before a teacher found us and forced up apart.

All fourteen of us are now stuck in a room, awaiting the arrival of the principal to dish out our punishments.

I was panicking, I did not want to be expelled. Even though I didn't live with my parents anymore, if they found out that I had been expelled, they would for sure track me down and kill me.

It was a sacred plan in my family that everyone would have to:

Behave at school. Do good at school. Finish school. Get a good paying job. Get a wife, that rule was made very clear by my parents on many occasions and I had already failed, maybe in the future I can get a wife but for now my parents shall despise me. Have kids, that one I might have completed at least.

"All of you are suspended for a week but if this ever happens again and I mean ever, instant expell, understand" The prinicpal shouted angrily and everyone nodded their heads silently, not daring to even risk standing up to the principal. "Good, I will be calling all off your parents to come pick you up and to get you properly healed. You guys certainly did some damage to each other" The principal finished before exiting the room to do what he said.

It took a couple of minutes before the principals words got fully etched into my mind.

Shit. He's going to call me parents.

My breathing rate instantly picked up. I'm going to die. I can't let my parents come here. Shit. Shit.

"Hey, you okay bossman?" I turn and see Tubbo looking at me with concern in his face.

"He's--goi-ng to ca--call my pa--rents" I manage to get out between quick breaths.

"Oh crap, yeah thats bad. You can come with us and Phil. I'm sure he will arrive before your parents" He assures and I quickly nod and thank him.

The only things the school gave us for the time being to heal our wounds were some tissues and an ice pack each. Definetely not going to sort out anything but at least it will slow down or stop the constant blood flow out of peoples noses and mouths.


It took about twenty minutes before Phil arrived, he didn't look angry just disappointed, thats worse.

"Is Ranboo coming with us?" Phil asks as we get up to leave the room.

"Yeah, I don't want my parents to get me, they already hate me enough due to the marriage situation, if they know that I got into a fight and got suspended, I would be dead" I reply and luckily Phil nods in understanding and gives me a look of pity. God I hate people taking pity on me but I guess it's better than being stuck with my parents.

We turn into the hallway just outside the room and I instantly spot my parents coming towards us. I quickly duck behind Phil and we continue to walk, hoping they don't see me. They did.

"Ranboo, there you are, why you trying to hide?" Fuck. I stretch back up to full height and turn to face the scarily big smile off my mum, whilst my dad just looked pissed at me and slightly disgusted.

"Because i'm going to go with Phil" I reply nervously.

"But why, he's not your parent, he's just a friend that made you think things that are bad like marrying another boy" My Mum said disgust apparent in her voice but yet she continued to smile.

"I've told you this countless times. I am not gay, I only married him for money. It is a platonic marriage" I defended trying to keep calm but I was angry, so angry.

"Whatever, Whatever, all I know is that I have a failure off a son" she said still smiling. So creepy it feels like a horror movie when I am just about to get killed.

I see my dad start to come closer to me, clearly trying to grab me so they can take me. My dad stretched out his arm, inches away from grabbing me, i'm to busy still trying to comprehend what my mum just said to me. I was a failure. I quickly shake it off and look down to see my dad tightly holding my arm but before he could start to drag me Phil quickly pushed my dad off me.

"Piss off you two, go learn how to be better parents, Ranboo isn't going with you" Phil warned, glaring into the eyes off my mum and dad. Luckily they were both quick to back away and start to leave.

"You will come back to us some day and we will teach you how to be a proper son" My Mum shouts from down the hallway before the two of them left the school building.

"Was that a threat, Jesus Christ Ranboo, you parents are total wankers" Tommy speaks up and I was quick to agree with him.


"Did you have fun with Phil and Kristen?" I ask Micheal as we sit on the sofa inside The Minecraft household so Phil and Kristen can tend to our wounds. Micheal quickly nods in response and I smile at his eagerness. "Thats good, bud"

'God I hope we don't run into the dream team again.'

The sudden sound of the letter box opening and the sound of an envolope landing onto the floor breaks me from my thoughts.

 I see Phil going to get the letter. He picked it up and read what it said on the envolope.

"Tubbo?" Phil questioned and Tubbo energed from the kitchen.

"Yeah dad?" Tubbo responds.

"Who's Schlatt?"

The End of Chapter 22.

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