(27) The Final Day of School

293 11 18

TWs: Homophobia, Bullying, Depressing thoughts, Swearing (sorry if I missed any)

Ranboo POV:

Finally, the final day of school. After today, no more needless insults, no more bullying for the sake of it.

The past month or so have been hell for me, after I got out of the hospital after the knife attack, the insults got even worse. People at school would take any opportunity to make fun for me about the stabbing, my appearance, my sexuality, my parents, anything you could think of. I was surprised I even made it to the final day of school, where I could leave all of that behind me and think about my future properly.

I walked into the school building with my head held high and my friends at my side.

'Just need to get through one more day' I thought to myself as the eight of us walk down the hallway towards our tutor group.

As we walk I spot the main people who pick on me. Punz, Sam and Corpse just those three, they didn't really spend time with the dream team anymore. I think the suspension for fighting pissed them off so they stopped hanging out and helping the dream team.

Which I was very thankful for as I could put up with the three of them but if it was all six of them, I would have definetely just left the school before I was killed.

I knew the three of them wouldn't do anything yet because I was with my friends, who were chatting about Minecraft as usual, but I was still on high alert due to other students staring at me like they were ready to murder me at any second.

I've always been on high alert since the stabbing, I didn't want to risk getting stabbed again and it being the to put me down for good. Everytime I go outside by myself, I constantly look around me to make sure no one is there, my head constantly like a 360 degree camera.

I have thought about if I died due to the stabbing and maybe it would have been better if I did. Every since I have just been insulted and bullied, its clear that everyone hates me for some reason apart from my friends but who knows, they might hate me as well but they are nice to me out of pity or something.

'No, dont think that Ranboo' I hear from the back of my head as the eight of us reach the tutor classroom.

"Ladies first" I hear Aimsey say as she gestures for us males to enter the classroom first. We did and she followed behind us.

We took our seats for the last time. Me next to Eret, Tommy next to Aimsey, Freddie next to Tubbo and Billzo next to Foolish. We waited a while for everyone else in the tutor group to file in.

"Morning" The teacher greets tiredly as he sits down at his desk.

God, i'm bored already.


I was in maths, the last lesson before lunch, and we were playing a kahoot. As it was the final day of school and we had already finished our gcse's yesterday, there was no learning to be done, we wouldn't get the results for a while but I didn't really care, I doubt I would get a good job in the future anyway.

I was winning the kahoot by a mile, somehow, it was a random questions kahoot and it was the final question.

"What colours are the lgbtq+ flag?" The board read and I instantly put the correct answer, rainbow.

I was correct and I won the game.

"Ranboo, well done" Mr Halo said. The entire class started to stare at me.

"Well, of course the faggot knew the last question, hes apart of that shit" A student says, I look to see who said it. It was Punz.

"Hey, Punz, shut up and get out" Mr Halo shouts, he rarely does but when he shouts he can be quite intimadating.

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