(7) Caught on Stream

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TWs: Swearing, Crying (sorry if I missed any)

Tommy POV:

I was currently sitting on my bedroom floor, drawing, it had been about an hour since Wilbur had started streaming as I could hear his voice through the thin walls of the house and I was ready to start my plan. I wanted to be on the stream and to annoy Wilbur.

I got off the dusty bedroom floor and left my room. I was holding my favourite blanket, it was covered in Minecraft cows to go along with my cow plush called Henry that Phil and Kristen brought me. 

I waddled over to Wilbur's room on my short legs and opened the door silently. When I entered the hot room, I looked over to Wilbur's desk noticing that he didn't realise I was in the room. So I walked over to him. Now I was right next to his leg and he still didn't know I was there.

"Why are you spamming AWW chat?" I heard Wilbur say, I must be visible on the stream is what I realised causing me to giggle, only then did Wilbur notice that I was there and looked at me.

"Jesus, Tommy" Wilbur said loudly, clearly mad and annoyed, causing my mood to drop. He quickly picked me up from the floor into his arms. "Can't you read or something, it says on my door to not enter the room without permission" he said angrily, opening his door and dropping me off outside before turning around and slamming it.

Sat there on the ground in the hallway I started to cry, I didn't want to but my six year old brain told me too so I did. I heard footsteps quickly ascend the stairs before I was sat in someone's arms, it was Phil.

Phil's POV:

I was sat on the sofa in the living room when I started to hear shouting and crying upstairs. I quickly scurried off the sofa, nearly tripping over the coffee table, and ran upstairs to see Tommy crying on the floor outside of Wilbur's room. I was quick to realise what must of happened and I started to console Tommy and telling him he would be okay.


I was sitting on the sofa again waiting for Wilbur to end his stream. Tommy had recently calmed down and was now in his room but I wanted to have a talk with Wilbur.


It was a bout another ten minutes before I heard Wilbur's door open and for footsteps to be heard coming down the stairs. Techno was already on the sofa reading a book called the art of war.

"So, Wilbur?" I said as I got up from the sofa and looked at Wilbur who was just leaving the kitchen with a bottle of water and a apple.

"Here we go" I heard Wilbur mutter, so at least he knows what he did.

"What happened with Tommy?" I asked trying to keep my voice down and temper low.

"He did the one thing he was not supposed to do" he answered clear annoyance in his voice.

"There was no need for you to shout at him though" I fired back starting to lose it.

"Well he's been here for weeks, he should know the bloody rules at this point" Wilbur replied anger now seeping into his tone.

"He's six Wilbur" I shouted at him whilst Techno remained seated on the sofa reading clearly not caring about what was happening in the moment.

"So what dad, I'm sure he can read, it's definetely not like there's a sign on my door clear as day that reads 'don't come in', fucking hell" Wilbur snapped at me.

"He's a kid, cut him some fucking slack mate" I shout.

"I'm a kid, I'm your kid, or have you just forgot because ever since we got Tommy all you have done is ignore me and Techno" Wilbur wailed tears coming to his eyes.

"I have not ignored you or---"

"He's got a point dad" Techno interrupted causing me to go into shock at what my owns sons would tell me.

"What?" I questioned, my voice cracking.

"I'm not accusing you of anything and I understand that as Tommy is very young that he needs some TLC but we are your kids still and there are a lot of things that me and Wilbur have had to stay quiet about because you only have time for Tommy" Techno answered as he stood up from the sofa and walked over to Wilbur and wrap an arm around his shoulders.

"I'm trying guys you know that both me and Kristen are but you know we have busy jobs that require a lot of work" I replied quietly.

"Well then why did you get Tommy in the first place, you knew he would be a lot of work and we are both here to help but we have lives too and we can't just put them on hold for him" Wilbur said calming down from our heated exchange.

"Because I feel like I need to help people and when I helped you too when I adopted you guys I thought that now you are older I should do it with another kid, give them the life that children deserve."

"Okay, why not take some time off work, we earn enough money from streaming anyway so why not do that?" Techno wondered.

Tommy POV:

I was watching and hearing the exchange of words from the top of the stairs they were currently talking about money and jobs but I couldn't get the fact of them possibly getting rid of me off my mind, I knew I shouldn't have tried to get comfortable here. 

"I knew you wouldn't do anything, you just care about Tommy" I heard as I saw Wilbur push past Phil, knocking him to the side and storm up the stairs. 

Wilbur saw me and we made eye contact, clear anger written over his face as he gave me a look of disgust. He quickly stopped looking and walked into his room, slamming the door behind him.

I quickly ran to my room and shut the door thinking about how they are going to get rid off me.

God I don't want to go back to that hell hole.

The End of Chapter 7.

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